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发布时间:2018-05-13 18:32

  本文选题:丛枝菌根 + 根际 ; 参考:《生态学报》2016年14期

[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of organic agriculture, the role of arbuscular mycorrhiza has been paid special attention. Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a symbiont formed by plant roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). In the plant -AMF- soil system, AMF provides N, P and other nutrients from the root system to summarize the C. of C, N, P, etc. in the soil system of plant -AMF-. Exchange of nutrients and interaction between AMF and soil microbes. The formation of arbuscular mycorrhiza can significantly increase the uptake of P by plants, and the effect of.AMF on N cycle in AMF under high P conditions is quite complex, and may be involved in many processes that regulate N cycle, such as nitrification, denitrification and ammonia oxidation. In organic rich soil, AMF mycelium can rapidly expand and absorb N, which is mainly needed for the mycelium itself. Only a small fraction of the effect of.AMF on the soil C library remains controversial. There may be a difference in time scale. In the short term, the soil C can be activated, but on a long-term scale it may be beneficial to the storage of.AMF in the soil C. The synergistic synergism of rhizobia and actinomycetes can promote the degradation of soil organic matter and enhance its nitrogen fixing ability by altering the soil microbial community structure and the synergistic synergism of the Rhizobium and actinomycetes, and the inhibition of AMF on the ammonia oxidizing bacteria can reduce the release of N2O and the EMF of the exobiotic fungi, EMF, and the release of N2O. Synergistic synergism was shown in coexistence, but the priority colonization of EMF could restrict the infection of AMF in.AMF. The interaction between different groups was mainly manifested in competition and antagonism, the interaction between.AMF and soil microbes was affected by soil inorganic environment. Under the condition of nutrient deficiency, the microorganism often showed competitive relationship. Plant, AMF and There is a complex interaction relationship between soil microbes. Therefore, AMF does not always show its promoting effect on plant nutrition. The mechanism of the action of AMF is still based on hypothesis and needs further experimental verification. In the plant -AMF- soil system, the communication between N and C and the interflow of P and C does not show consistency, N, P cycle is interrelated with each other. Further exploration of the system will help to understand the nutrient cycling in the plant soil system. The nutrient sources of plants, AMF and soil microbes and the relative demand intensity and absorption efficiency of nutrients are not yet known. Therefore, it is impossible to understand the role of AMF in the exchange and transformation of nutrients in the plant soil system. There are limitations in the study of nutrient dynamics. The combination of modern molecular biology and chemometrics is worth trying.

【作者单位】: 中国科学院城市环境研究所;中国科学院大学;
【基金】:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B类)“土壤-生物系统功能及其调控”(XDB15030301) 国家自然科学基金项目(31070463)


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