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发布时间:2018-05-14 06:41

  本文选题:喀斯特小流域 + 降雨量 ; 参考:《贵州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The loss of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements in karst environment will inevitably lead to the decrease or even total loss of land productivity, and soil nutrients will directly affect the ecological environment of relevant water bodies with the migration of soil and water loss, so nitrogen in karst rocky desertification system, The output rule of phosphorus and other elements is particularly important. In the karst area where the cracks are developed, most of the studies on rainfall and soil erosion process elements loss belong to the simulation study, the field observation is relatively few, but the study of nutrient element loss in karst area is even more scarce. In this study, a karst watershed with severe rocky desertification in western Guizhou was used to monitor the rainfall process, and the characteristics of nitrogen, phosphorus and other nutrient elements were analyzed at different time and spatial scales. The purpose of this paper is to study the output characteristics of nutrient elements in surface and underground structures of karst small watershed during natural rainfall, to discuss the dynamic transfer and output of nutrients, and to provide theoretical support for the controlling factors of element output in karst watershed. The study on the source of karst spring water is helpful to understand the karst hydrological system and the sustainable utilization and management of spring water resources. The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) by analyzing the stable isotope of 未 18O- 未 D in local atmospheric precipitation, it is determined that precipitation is the main source of karst spring water and small watershed streams. The correlation analysis of different rainfall types and rainfall erosivity R shows that the greater the rainfall, the more obvious the rainfall erosivity. And summer is the key stage of controlling soil and water loss.) generally, river nitrogen and phosphorus output are larger in catchment areas with large runoff, and NO3--N is the main nitrogen output in spring. The annual output concentration of NH4-N in winter is similar to that of TN, and it is higher in winter than in the other three seasons, the nitrogen loss is mainly in the form of soluble form, in which nitrate is the most important, and the loss of nitrogen is accompanied by the output of phosphorus. The loss of nitrogen and phosphorus was the key period of nitrogen and phosphorus loss, and the loss of all forms of nitrogen was positively correlated with the rainfall. (4) the loss of Ca2 mg 2 in karst area was significantly correlated with rainfall, and the concentration of Ca2 mg 2 was positively correlated with the loss of N and P, and there was a significant positive correlation between the loss of N and P and the loss of mg 2. That is, the concentration of Mg2 increases with the increase of Ca2 output, and vice versa.


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