本文选题:湿陷性黄土 + 膨胀性 ; 参考:《华北水利水电大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Water in nature is a continuous and continuous whole, in which rainfall infiltration is an important link in the water cycle. After infiltration of rain, it reaches the plant root, then spreads through the stoma of the leaves to the static air atmosphere, and finally enters the atmosphere to complete the natural water cycle. In this process, rainfall infiltration is the plant growth and survival supply. The quality basis is also the only way to absorb water by vegetation, and the rainfall infiltration process also produces soil water and surface runoff. Soil water has been one of the key research objects in the agricultural and soil problems, which has played an important role in vegetation planting, water saving irrigation and land desertification control, especially in the loess region. The expansibility of the Loess makes the soil water characteristic parameters change and affects the infiltration process of soil water to a great extent. On the basis of the analysis of the progress of soil water infiltration at home and abroad, the experiment of water infiltration and rainfall infiltration in collapsible loess is designed, and the swelling deformation of collapsible loess is verified to be full of soil. On the basis of the influence of water content, saturated hydraulic conductivity, saturation ratio and other parameters, the influence of swelling deformation of collapsible loess on soil water infiltration is studied. The infiltration rate changes in soil water infiltration process are fitted and analyzed by Philip formula, Kostiakov formula and Horton formula. The following conclusions are obtained: (1) the variation of soil saturated water movement parameters after the collapsible loess expansion is analyzed, and the change process of the related physical parameters in the rainfall infiltration process of collapsible loess is obtained. In the process of infiltration, the soil bulk density increases with the depth, and the saturated water content gradually decreases with the action of expansion and weight stress. At the same time, the soil moisture permeability coefficient is gradually reduced, and the experimental results also provide powerful data support for the fitting of soil water infiltration model. (2) the empirical formula of soil moisture infiltration in the process of collapsible loess rainfall infiltration is described. The Philip formula, the Kostiakov formula and the Horton formula are selected to fit the correlation coefficient of the relative parameters and the model, and the actual physical meaning of the parameters in the fitting formula is taken into consideration. The empirical formula of soil water infiltration suitable for expansive soil is summed up. The fitting result is not suitable for the correlation coefficient of the fitting of the Philip formula. The correlation coefficient of.Kostiakov formula and Horton formula in the infiltration process of collapsible loess is more than 0.9, and the result of the Kostiakov formula is more accurate. The Horton formula can fit well the initial infiltration and the stable infiltration process, and the other practical factors are considered synthetically. The Horton formula is the soil which considers the volume change of the expansive soil. The empirical formula of soil water infiltration is an ideal model. (3) the effect of the volume change of collapsible loess on the infiltration process of soil water. Through the analysis of the volume, self weight stress, expansion force and saturated conductivity of four variables with the depth of the collapsible loess infiltration under rainfall conditions, the volume change to the collapsible yellow is summed up. The influence of soil infiltration parameters and its influence degree. In the process of infiltration, it is assumed that the expansion force of the soil depth is constant, and the weight stress increases gradually with the depth, but the volume increases gradually, and the soil saturated water conductivity coefficient decreases with the depth at the unit depth. Therefore, the volume expansion of the collapsible loess after water absorption is used in the infiltration process. The influence of the volume change of expansive loess on the related parameters of infiltration process and the change trend are clarified in this paper. The change of soil porosity and saturated conductivity of saturated soil is calculated, and the empirical model of expansive soil infiltration considering the volume change is obtained, and the establishment of soil water infiltration model, optimization and soil satiety are obtained. And the measurement of water conductivity coefficient has certain practical significance.
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