本文选题:生物质炭 + 土壤质量 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:生物质炭热解后直接还田,是一项重要的碳封存技术,可以增加陆地生态系统中土壤的碳汇,减少温室气体的排放,减少燃烧秸秆造成的空气污染,而且为农业废弃物资源的利用提供途径。生物质炭改良土壤性质,促进植物生长以及固碳减排方面有重要作用。然而关于生物质炭的施用,有许多互相矛盾的结果,这可能与生物质炭和土壤的不同性质有关,因此,本研究采用崇明东滩湿地上的农业废弃秸秆作为原料,使用自制的简易裂解炉制备生物质炭,设置生物质炭施用浓度为0、5、10、25和50 g·kg-1,通过黑麦草盆栽试验以及田间试验的方法,研究生物质炭对植物生长状况的影响和对崇明滩涂土壤的修复作用,寻找生物质炭在此条件下的最佳施用量。结果表明:1)生物质炭的加入促进植物的生长。生物质炭对黑麦草生长状况的影响最主要体现在对根系生长的显著作用。植物的根系是吸收营养元素的重要器官,生物质炭的加入可以增加土壤的孔隙度,影响植物根的生长,同时生物质炭的加入使土壤中可利用的营养元素增加,对植物生物量的积累也有正面作用。当生物质炭的施用量为10 g·kg-1时,黑麦草的有机质积累最多,生长状况最好。2)生物质炭的加入使土壤性质发生变化。生物质炭的加入使得土壤的pH值升高,低浓度的生物质炭使土壤的阳离子交换量增加。本试验中生物质炭的施用量较低时,土壤中总氮的含量增加,硝态氮的含量减少;高施炭量则使总氮和硝态氮的含量都有增加。生物质炭添加后,速效磷和速效钾含量都有显著提高,尤其是高施炭量对这两者的促进作用更为明显。3)生物质炭的加入提高土壤的固碳作用。土壤中有机碳含量与生物质炭的施用量呈线性增加。当生物质炭添加到土壤后,可以提高作物的产量,增加作物固定大气中C02的能力,起到固碳减排的目的。由于生物质炭的加入促进生长,植物根系的碳增加部分存留在土壤中,成为土壤碳库的一部分。而地上部分有机质的增加可以再制成生物质炭,进入新的循环过程。综合考量土壤的固碳作用和黑麦草的生长状况,本次试验的结果表明,生物质炭10 g·kg-1的施用浓度为最佳试验结果。生物质炭的加入对土壤理化性质的改变有重要的影响,提高了土壤的碳库,促进植物生长,为作物提供了营养元素和良好的生长环境。
[Abstract]:Biomass carbon pyrolysis is an important carbon sequestration technology, which can increase soil carbon sink in terrestrial ecosystem, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce air pollution caused by burning straw. And for the use of agricultural waste resources to provide ways. Biomass carbon plays an important role in improving soil properties, promoting plant growth and reducing carbon sequestration. However, there are many contradictory results on the application of biomass carbon, which may be related to the different properties of biomass carbon and soil. Therefore, the agricultural waste straw in Chongming Dongtan wetland was used as raw material in this study. Biomass carbon was prepared by using a simple pyrolysis furnace made by ourselves. The concentration of biomass carbon was set to be 0 ~ (5) 5 ~ (10) ~ (25) and 50 g / kg ~ (-1). The pot experiment and field experiment of ryegrass were carried out. The effects of carbon on plant growth and remediation on Chongming beach soil were studied in order to find the best application amount of biomass carbon under this condition. The results showed that the addition of biomass carbon promoted the growth of plants. The effect of biomass carbon on the growth of ryegrass was mainly reflected in the significant effect on root growth. The root system of plants is an important organ for absorption of nutrient elements. The addition of biomass carbon can increase the porosity of soil and affect the growth of plant roots. Meanwhile, the addition of biomass carbon can increase the available nutrient elements in soil. It also has a positive effect on the accumulation of plant biomass. When the amount of biomass carbon was 10 g kg-1, the organic matter of ryegrass accumulated the most, and the best growth condition was 0.2) the addition of biomass carbon changed the soil properties. The addition of biomass carbon increased the pH value of soil, and the cation exchange capacity of soil increased with low concentration of biomass carbon. In this experiment, the content of total nitrogen increased and the content of nitrate decreased when the application rate of biomass carbon was low, and the content of total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen increased with high amount of carbon application. The contents of available phosphorus and potassium increased significantly after the addition of biomass carbon, especially the effect of high application of carbon on them was more obvious. 3) the addition of biomass carbon increased the carbon sequestration of soil. The content of organic carbon in soil increased linearly with the application of biomass carbon. When the biomass carbon is added to the soil, the crop yield can be increased, and the ability of the crop to fix CO2 in the atmosphere can be increased, which plays the purpose of carbon sequestration. Because of the addition of biomass carbon to promote growth, the increase of carbon in plant roots is stored in the soil and becomes a part of the soil carbon pool. However, the increase of organic matter in the aboveground part can be remade into biomass carbon and enter into a new cycle process. The carbon sequestration of soil and the growth of ryegrass were comprehensively considered. The results showed that the optimum concentration of biomass carbon was 10 g kg-1. The addition of biomass carbon has an important effect on the change of soil physical and chemical properties, improves soil carbon pool, promotes plant growth, and provides nutrient elements and good growth environment for crops.
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