本文选题:基本农田 + 分等定级 ; 参考:《生态环境学报》2017年10期
[Abstract]:The protection of basic farmland is the "bottom line" to ensure food security. With the completion of the demarcation of 103 million hectares of permanent basic farmland in China, the experience of efficient operation in the demarcation of basic farmland needs to be systematically combed and summarized. Based on the grading results of land use investigation in Sujiatun District of Shenyang, this paper constructs a basic farmland identification and demarcation model, with the help of the development of decision support system, explores scientific identification, quickly delimits basic farmland, and reduces human disturbance. A method for improving the efficiency of identifying and delineating basic farmland. In this study, we extracted 9 evaluation indexes-natural quality score, natural quality index, land use index, agricultural land use index, farming distance, influence degree of central city, road accessibility, external traffic convenience, etc. Through principal component analysis (PCA), the three principal component factors were "reduced dimension", and the characteristic values were 5.084 ~ 1.342U ~ (1.011), respectively, and the cumulative contribution rate was 82.632%. Among them, land use index, agricultural land index and so on, natural quality index, natural quality score and farmers' market influence degree have higher load on the first principal component. It reflects the influence of natural condition and social input-output value on the comprehensive quality of cultivated land, the external traffic convenience and the influence degree of central city have higher load on the second principal component, which reflects the influence of location condition on the comprehensive quality of cultivated land. Tillage distance has higher load on the third component, which reflects the influence of economic conditions on the comprehensive quality of cultivated land. The comprehensive quality index of cultivated land is calculated by principal component analysis, and then the constraint of basic farmland planning area is forecasted. The 0-1 integer programming model is established to identify and screen the cultivated land with high comprehensive quality index, and the cultivated land selected for basic farmland is quickly delimited by the decision system. The model comprehensively reflects the influence of natural factors, economic factors and location factors on the comprehensive quality of cultivated land. The model construction and system application of the decision-making system provide scientific identification for the basic farmland delineation at the district and county scale. The three functions of determining the basic farmland area and delimiting the basic farmland make the basic farmland planning decision work improve effectively.
【作者单位】: 北京林业大学水土保持学院重点实验室;湖南省第三测绘院;
【基金】:国家重点研发项目(2017YFC0505500) 林业科技创新平台运行补助项目(2016-LYPT-SY-013) 国家科技支撑项目(2006BAB15B05)
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