本文选题:遥感影像 + 黄土高原 ; 参考:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Terrace is an effective water and soil conservation project to control soil erosion on the slope. It has obvious water conservation, soil conservation and fertilizer conservation. It plays an irreplaceable role in the prevention and control of soil and water loss in the Loess Plateau area of China. The extraction of fast terrace information provides theoretical basis and technical support for estimating the water and soil loss of regional scale and determining the effect of terracing in water and sediment reduction. At present, the investigation method of terraced field in the Loess Plateau is relatively backward. The area of terraced field is determined by the investigation and statistics method, which is slow and low in precision, and it can not meet the needs of the present stage. With the popularization of high resolution remote sensing images, with the popularization of high resolution remote sensing images, it is very important and urgent to carry out the information monitoring of the terrace in the Loess Plateau as a source of information. On the basis of analyzing and analyzing the characteristics of the spectral, texture and space of the image objects, based on the analysis of the characteristics of the spectral, texture and space of the image objects, the information extraction process of the terrace in the Yellow Soil Plateau is constructed, and the calculation of the information extraction process of the terraced terrace in the Yellow Soil Plateau is constructed. The main results of this study are as follows: (1) constructing a reasonable and complete technological process for the extraction of terraced fields, including radiation calibration, atmospheric correction, orthophoto correction, image fusion, object feature extraction, and preservation of object layers, extracting all terraces in the valley of Yan Gou, and determining terraced fields in the basin. Cloth and area. (2) using object-oriented multi-scale image segmentation and merging technology to extract information from terraced fields, using ENVI object oriented space feature extraction module, according to preview window, through repeated experiments and repeated comparison analysis, select the appropriate scale factor, multiscale segmentation of the image of the study area, and finally determine the suitable terrace. The optimal segmentation and merging thresholds were 36% and 85%. (3) respectively. The field site area measurement was measured by the southern Ling sharp S86 difference GPS of the representative terraced field. The field measurement area was compared with the value of the extracted area in the image, and the extraction precision of the terraced field was higher. Thus it was proved that the extraction method was feasible. The optimal scale of information extraction from terraced fields and information extraction methods and technological process of terraced fields are provided to provide technical reference for monitoring terraced fields in soil and water conservation projects.
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