本文选题:干旱灾害 + 夏玉米 ; 参考:《哈尔滨师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Drought is a kind of disaster type which has high frequency, long duration and wide range in the world. It has caused great loss to agricultural production and also threatens people's living and economic activities. Drought has become one of the most important natural disasters in agriculture in China, and it is also the main meteorological disaster to reduce the yield of corn. The Huanghuai sea area, which is one of the main distribution areas of agricultural drought, is not only the largest grain production area in China, but also the main producing area of summer corn crops. The evaluation and division of the drought hazard risk of Summer Maize in the Huanghuai and Huaihai region provides both experience and basis for natural disaster risk assessment and disaster prevention and reduction measures. The economic benefit and sustainable development of agriculture are of great significance. This paper evaluates and zoning the risk factors of drought disaster factors of Summer Maize in the region and the provinces and cities including Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Beijing and Tianjin. This paper is based on the Huang Huai Haiti in Huang Huai. The precipitation data, taking the percentage of precipitation anomaly as the index of summer maize Agrometeorological drought, spread the information to the drought, drought, severe drought and severe drought, and used it as the risk assessment factor of drought disaster of Huang Huai and summer maize, and the spatial analysis of GIS space analysis technology to realize the space superimposition among the indexes. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the probability of drought risk in the north of the Yellow Huai sea area decreases with the increase of the percentage of precipitation anomaly, and then increases first and then decreases with the increase of the percentage of precipitation in the west, and the east part increases with the percentage of precipitation anomaly; (2) the light drought in the north of the Yellow Huai sea area is light drought, and the drought risk is greater than the heavy drought and severe drought risk. The high value area of the light drought risk is transferred from north-west Hebei province to the northeast region. (3) the drought hazard zoning in the yellow Huai and Huai sea area is low. The area of risk distribution is the most widely distributed, the area of the light and low risk distribution area is larger than the middle and high risk area. The high risk areas in the Yellow Huai sea area are mainly distributed in the northern part of Hebei province and the small part of the northern part of Anhui province. This paper provides reference and reference for the further study of the risk zoning of agricultural natural disasters and the selection of risk indicators.
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