本文选题:酸雨 + 红壤剖面 ; 参考:《中国地质大学(北京)》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Longhai City, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, is located on the southeast coast of China and is one of the major acid rain areas in China. It is located in the subtropical monsoon climate with abundant rainfall. In addition, frequent acid rain deposition resulted in a large amount of leaching of soil nutrient elements (such as Caomg, MgK, Na, etc.) and strong acidity in the soil. Further acidification may lead to the activation and dissolution of heavy metals, aluminum and other chemical elements in natural media such as soil and rock, thus affecting the growth and development of crops. The quality of water environment has great ecological risk. In this paper, two representative sites in Longhai City are selected to collect soil column profiles, and the simulated acid rain leaching experiments are carried out, and the following understanding is obtained: 1. In the study area, the weathering degree of soil is high, and the leaching of major elements (CaOMg-Knna) is relatively rich in Al, and the weathering degree of soil reaches the stage of desilication and aluminum-rich. The distribution of trace elements in the profile is often controlled by constant elements. The concentration of dissolved elements increased with the increase of leaching fluid acidity and increased with the deepening of leaching soil layer, and the concentration of most elements in soil leachate decreased gradually with the successive advance of leaching experiment. The constant element concentration in leaching solution can be divided into three groups according to its soil-solution partition coefficient and the longitudinal distribution characteristics of leaching solution concentration: the first group is Caomg Ko Na; the second group is Alnife; and the third group is SiO2. The activity of the first group was strong, and it was easy to dissolve into the solution during the leaching process, but the activity of the second group was weak. 4. The dissolution rule of trace elements in the leachate showed that it was controlled by the constant component. According to the dissolution concentration of trace elements, they were divided into the following four groups: group 1 was Cuzcdcdcdcdcdcdcdcu, group 2 was CrTiTiOZrAZOFU, group 3 was Bandits, and group 4 was Sassee. The dissolution of the first group of elements was controlled by the constant component Caomg, the dissolution of the second group was controlled by Fe, and the dissolution of the third group of element B was controlled by Si .5.The dissolution of the first group of elements was obviously controlled by the constant component Caomg, the dissolution of the second group of elements was controlled by Fe, and the dissolution of the third group of element B was controlled by Si. With the increase of leaching soil layer, the pH value of the leaching solution of the two soil columns increased, which is related to the large amount of activated dissolution of Al. The results showed that the acidity of the soil in the study area was strong, and the simulated acid rain could lead to a large amount of Al activation in the deep soil, resulting in the risk of ecological disasters.
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