本文选题:闽东 + 粮食产量 ; 参考:《中国农业资源与区划》2016年05期
[Abstract]:It is of great significance to strengthen the analysis and assessment of meteorological disaster risk for agricultural planting structure adjustment disaster prevention and mitigation and sustainable development. Based on the grain yield data of 9 counties in eastern Fujian from 1949 to 2013, the time series of grain meteorological yield growth rate was calculated by linear fitting method. The linear tendency was estimated by empirical orthogonal decomposition (EOF). The characteristics of spatial and temporal variation of meteorological yield growth rate of grain in eastern Fujian Province, the distribution characteristics of grade of yield reduction and risk zoning were analyzed by means of fitting and testing of probability distribution function, cluster analysis and other climatic statistical methods. The results showed that the grain growth rate in the mountain area of East Fujian was higher than that in the coastal county, and the trend of increasing production was more obvious. The spatial characteristic value of grain growth rate is negatively correlated with annual mean temperature and sunshine hours. The climate difference between mountainous area and coastal area is closely related to grain growth rate. The grain growth rate of county and city has the characteristics of oblique "L" type interannual variation, which can be classified as decreasing. Rise, slow down, flat and other four stages. Cluster analysis showed that the grain yield in East Fujian had four kinds of annual patterns, such as significant yield increase, general yield reduction and significant yield reduction, and the probability of increasing yield and reducing yield were 54.3ng and 45.7 respectively. The probability of light and moderate yield reduction in coastal counties is higher than that in mountain counties, while the probability of severe reduction is opposite. The risk of production reduction in mountain counties is generally higher than that in coastal counties and urban areas. In the east of Fujian, there are a little more years of increasing yield than those of years of reduction of production, but the probability of the year of reduction of production is also larger, and the harm caused by agricultural meteorological disasters can not be ignored. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen the work of preventing and reducing grain production.
【作者单位】: 福建省宁德市气象局;
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