[Abstract]:[objective] the change of soil microbial community structure and activity is an important index to measure soil fertility. The effects of long-term fertilization and soil management on the structure of soil microbial community were studied. It is of great significance to guide the application of fertilizer and soil management in X soil and to realize the sustainable utilization of farmland. [methods] based on the long-term fertilizer location experiment of "National Loess Fertility and Fertilizer benefit Monitoring Base" in Yang Ling of Shaanxi Province, Using phospholipid fatty acid labeling (PLFA), the structure of soil microbial community and its relationship with soil physical and chemical properties under long-term fertilization and land use in X soil were studied. The treatments included long-term no-fertilization (CK), nitrogen fertilizer application (N) alone, long-term combined application of nitrogen and potassium (NK), phosphorus (competition), nitrogen and phosphorus (NP), organic fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (MNPK), long-term recreation (FL) and abandonment (AB). [results] compared with the control, the soil total PLFA scores of MNPKNP and abandoned treatments were higher than those of the control. Don't increase by 73.9% and 74.3%, bacteria by 188.3% and 82.6%, fungi by 315.81.5% and 167.0%, actinomycetes by 23.721.3% and 16.3%, respectively. At the same time, they also significantly increased the ratio of fungi to bacteria (NNK) and the total PLFA-bacteria in the competitive soil, bacteria, bacteria. The difference of fungi was not significant, but competition significantly decreased the content of actinomycetes, and compared with fertilization in farmland, fallow and abandoned significantly decreased the contents of G- and Gn-. The results of diversity index showed that the Shannon-Winner diversity index, Pielou evenness index and Shannon-Winner diversity index and Pielou evenness index of soil microbial community were significantly increased by long-term organic and inorganic application, and the Shannon-Winner diversity index and Pielou evenness index were also significantly increased by abandonment and NP. And long-term leisure treatment significantly reduced these indices. The results of principal component analysis showed that the microbial community structure of MNPKN, abandoned and recreational soils changed greatly. MNPK significantly increased the degrees of Gn- (18:1 蠅 5cncy19: 0 蠅 7c), bacteria (16: 0 10 Me22: 0 saturated fatty acids) and eukaryotes (18:3 蠅 6c16: 3 蠅 6c222 蠅 6c). Abandonment (AB) and NP significantly increased the abundance value of bacteria (15: 0: 18: 22: 0: 17: 0 saturated fatty acids). RDA analysis showed that the importance of soil physical and chemical properties to the microbial flora was: organic matter, total nitrogen, water content, available phosphorus, available pH, available potassium. These physical and chemical factors are the key factors for microbial growth. [conclusion] Long-term organic and inorganic fertilizer application, nitrogen and phosphorus combined application and abandonment improved the diversity of soil microbial community structure, thus improving the soil ecological environment. And long-term leisure is not conducive to the stability and health of soil ecosystem.
【作者单位】: 西北农林科技大学资源环境学院/农业部西北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室;西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院;
【基金】:国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203030) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目(2015JM4130) 中央高校基本科研创新项目(QN2012038) 高等学校学科创新引智计划(B12007)
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