chinese government 在 农业经济 分类中 的翻译结果
在分类学科中查询 所有学科 农业经济 中国政治与国际政治 行政学及国家行政管理 宏观经济管理与可持续发展 企业经济 经济体制改革 金融 贸易经济 中国近现代史 历史查询
Studies on Chinese Government's Agricultural Functions in Market Economy 论市场经济下的中国政府农业经济职能 短句来源 As the function of Chinese government changes from management to management service, it is very important to catch the chances to organize and manage the government information in Internet. This article focuses mainly on the characteristics and problems of E-government construction and analysis the development of E-government with the technology of GIS、 Data Mining and web construction. 随着中国政府的职能由管理型向管理服务型转变,抓住时机对网上的信息资源的建设进行有序的组织和规范管理,分析了当今电子政务的发展特点以及在发展中出现的问题,结合空间地理信息技术, 空间数据挖掘和网络构建等新技术,对电子政务的建设、组织、管理进行探讨,并对电子政务的以后发展进行研究。 summarily analyzes and introduces some problems in utilization and management of agricultural renewable energy in China as well as efforts that Chinese Government made in development of agricultural renewable energy and related administrative policies and plans and achievements in construction of agricultural renewable energy; 概要分析、介绍了中国在农业可再生能源利用管理方面存在的一些问题,以及中国政府在农业可再生能源发展及管理政策、规划方面所做的工作和农业可再生能源建设方面所取得的成效; 系统介绍了中国中央和地方立法中与“农业可再生能源”管理相关的法律、法规内容; Challenge Facing Chinese Government with Agricultural "Accession" to the WTO 农业“入世”对中国政府的挑战(上) 短句来源 On the Benefit Evaluation Index System and Appraisal Methods of Chinese Government Fiscal Investment in Agriculture 论中国政府财政对农业投资效益评估指标体系与评价方法 短句来源 更多 Renovation of Chinese Government's Poverty Alleviation Mechanism 我国政府扶贫机制再造研究 短句来源 Human Resource Development in Rural Areas: Responsibilities and Countermeasures of the Chinese Government 我国政府加强农村人力资源能力建设的责任与对策 短句来源 The Research on Chinese Government Anti-poverty Policy in Countryside 我国政府农村扶贫政策研究 短句来源 Grain for green is an important policy made by Chinese government to protect and improve the ecological environment. 退耕还林(草)是我国政府制定的一项重要政策,它对保护和改善生态环境具有十分重要的意义。 短句来源 Discussion on Cooperation between Chinese Government and NGOs in Poverty Alleviation 我国政府与非政府组织农村扶贫合作机制探讨 短句来源 更多 The Function and Strategic Choice of the Chinese Government in the Agricultural Informationalization Construction 政府在我国农业信息化建设中的作用及战略选择 短句来源 Study on the Role of Chinese Government in Farmland Circulation 我国农地内部流转中政府角色研究 短句来源 DISPARITY ANALYSIS BETWEEN THE TROPISM OF CHINESE GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION AND THE GUIDING MEASURES TO FARMER'S TECHNOLOGY ACTS 中国农业技术应用的宏观取向与农户技术采用行为诱导 短句来源 Next, under the policy of price made by Chinese government, the adjustment of cotton price and cotton sale reward inevitably results in the unbalance in development of regional cotton production, because the level of economic developing, natural condition and progress of technology is quite different in different regions. Additionally, the differential policy made by the government affects the economic benefits of the main cotton production regions. 第四,由于各地区的经济发展水平、自然条件和技术进步水平存在着较大差异,其粮棉生产成本变动存在着较大的差异,在国家棉花定价的政策框架下,棉花收购价格和奖售政策的调整必然导致各地区棉花生产出现非均衡发展,同时,中央政府采取的差别性的地区政策会对一些地区棉花生产的经济利益产生明显影响。 短句来源 Fanners' employment is a serous economic and social problem Chinese government confronts. 农民就业是我国面临的重大经济与社会问题。 短句来源 更多
查询“chinese government”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
chinese government
With complete opening of the book distribution market, the Chinese government tried to address and to solve the structural issues in China's publishing and directly related book distribution industries.
The shadow prices of water resources for Nine Major Rivers can provide suggestions to the Chinese government.
Since the open-door policy was implemented in China more than 20 years ago, advocates of the Internet have continuously urged the Chinese government to adopt a less restricted policy for Internet use.
So far, the Chinese government has succeeded through censorship and regulation in blocking activists from using the Internet as an effective political tool.
The massacre set the Chinese government in a clear symbolic struggle against freedom and democracy.
The Chinese government began to make plans to solve the problem of poor areas in the early 1980's. After several years' hard efforts, the rural poverty problem in China has been gradually alleviated. However, protracted endeav-ors are needed to fundamentally change the back-wardness in the production in poor areas. Therefore, we must clearly define the basic targets for development
The paper raises and comprehend an approach of economic analysis for the Integrated Energy Self-sufficient Agricultural Systems (IESAS). The main feature of the approach is grouping data into accounting and technical parameters, and combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, globle analysis with partial analysis, optimization method with rational method, material criterion with monetary criterion, feasible analysis with management analysis. The availibility of the approach was proved by its application...
The paper raises and comprehend an approach of economic analysis for the Integrated Energy Self-sufficient Agricultural Systems (IESAS). The main feature of the approach is grouping data into accounting and technical parameters, and combining qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis, globle analysis with partial analysis, optimization method with rational method, material criterion with monetary criterion, feasible analysis with management analysis. The availibility of the approach was proved by its application in a project, namely " The Establishment of An Energy Integrated Demonstration Base for China' s Cold Northeastern Region" project sponsored by the United Nations and the Chinese Government.
Abstract Women in developing countries participate actively in transforming mountains,taming rivers, planting trees, intercropping in forests, gathering and transporting crops,processing and selling, improving stoves and saving firewood, which are closely related toforestry. The author discusses the status and role of women in forestry production. Theforestry develops with the participation of women, while women benefit from forestry activi-ties. However, participating in forestry activities, women come across...
Abstract Women in developing countries participate actively in transforming mountains,taming rivers, planting trees, intercropping in forests, gathering and transporting crops,processing and selling, improving stoves and saving firewood, which are closely related toforestry. The author discusses the status and role of women in forestry production. Theforestry develops with the participation of women, while women benefit from forestry activi-ties. However, participating in forestry activities, women come across many restrictive fac-tors, such as: forest ownership, the numbers of women leaders, women scientific profession-als, women foresters are proportionately small, less opportunities to be trained, more diffi-cult to get loans. China is a large agricultural country, rural women make up more than threequarters of the whole female population. Chinese government attaches great importance tothe role of women. The participation of women in forestry activities has a long history, theyhave accumulated a wealth of experience, such as women's mountain production brigade,March 8 green engineering projects, sand fixation by planting trees and others.
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