[Abstract]:The quantitative characteristics of soil microbes in three typical forests (coconut forest, Acacia acacia forest and Casuarina equisetifolia forest) and their relationship with soil factors were studied based on the observed data. The results showed that the total amount of microorganism in the three forest types of littoral platform was equisetifolia forest, and the highest amount of bacteria was found in coconut forest (3 144.67 脳 10 ~ 10 ~ 4 CFU g ~ (-1), which was 1.99 times and 2.56 times of that in Casuarina equisetifolia forest, respectively. The number of fungi in Acacia forest (46.12 脳 10 ~ (4) CFU g ~ (-1),) was 2.61 and 1.37 times higher than that in coconut forest and Casuarina forest respectively, and the highest number of actinomycetes in coconut forest (413.84 脳 10 ~ 4 CFU g ~ (-1),) was 3.32 and 1.42 times of that in Acacia forest and Casuarina forest, respectively. Among the three groups of soil microbes in different forest types, bacteria accounted for the largest proportion, actinomycetes took second place, and fungi were the smallest. The total number of soil microbes, bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes decreased with the increase of soil depth, and there was a linear negative correlation between the soil depth and the number of fungi in three forest types except for the amount of fungi in coconut forest. In coconut forest, soil total nitrogen and organic carbon are the main soil factors that affect the amount of microorganism, Acacia acacia forest, acacia forest, Total nitrogen and pH were the main factors affecting microbial quantity, and total nitrogen and total phosphorus were the main factors affecting microbial quantity in Casuarina equisetifolia forest.
【作者单位】: 海南大学环境与植物保护学院;海南文昌森林生态系统定位研究站;海南省林业科学研究所;
【基金】:“海南岛滨海台地不同森林类型土壤碳储量研究”(KYYS-2015-21) 海南大学研究生处“海南大学林业与生态研究生实践基地项目”共同资助
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