[Abstract]:[Objective] to study the effects of Tillage on methane emission in early rice fields, and to analyze the environmental factors that affect the methane emission of rice fields, and to find a suitable tillage mode to reduce the methane emission in rice fields. [Methods] 4 treatments were set up without tillage, no tillage, no tillage, conventional fertilization and conventional fertilization, respectively, in the tillering period and the heading stage of rice, respectively. The state box method was used to collect gaseous methane (CH_4), observe geotemperature synchronously, temperature in the gas box, environment temperature, surface temperature, grass surface temperature, relative humidity and wind speed, explore the daily emission law of CH_4 emission in early rice field, and clarify the effect of no tillage and fertilization and environmental factors on the CH_4 emission in paddy field. [results] the emission of CH_4 in early paddy field, temperature, surface temperature, 5 cm soil temperature, grass surface temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and other closely related, especially at the tillering stage, each treatment is significantly related to the above environmental factors (P0.05). The average daily flux of CH_4 is different under different tillage and fertilization mode, and in the tillering period of rice, the specific performance is conventional fertilization, regular fertilization, no tillage and no tillage no tillage, no tillage and no fertilization, in Rice Heading Stage Compared with conventional tillage, the emission of CH_4 in early paddy field was relatively lower than conventional tillage. Fertilization resulted in the increase of CH_4 emission in early rice fields at the tillering stage, but the emission of CH_4 in early rice fields was reduced at the heading stage. No tillage could reduce the emission of CH_4 in early rice fields. Contribution to the field emission reduction.
【作者单位】: 甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院;广东省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所;
【基金】:广东省农业面源污染治理项目(2016B070701009) 广东省科技计划项目(2014B090904068,粤科规财字[2014]208号)
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