[Abstract]:The litter decomposition and microbial activity of two dominant tree species (Cinnamomum camphora and Cunninghamia lanceolata) were analyzed by using litter decomposition bag method. The results showed that the weight loss of the two litters increased with the increase of the acidolysis intensity, and the effect of acidolysis on the litter quality loss was greater than that of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Cunninghamia lanceolata). The different response of litter of different species to acidolysis intensity resulted in a different pattern of subsequent decomposition process: the enhancement of acid rain acid hydrolysis inhibited the fungal biomass, cellulase and wood in the decomposition process of Chinese fir litter. Microbial activity including enzyme; But for the decomposition process of Cinnamomum camphora litter, the response of microbial activity to acid hydrolysis was different, and the decomposition period was different. The total weight loss rate, lignin and cellulose decomposition rate of the two species were also different from each other in different decomposition periods. The weight loss rate of camphora was T1T2T3 at the early stage of decomposition, but increased with the increase of acidolysis intensity at the later stage, that is, T3T2 / T1, and the litter of camphora was opposite to the litter of Chinese fir in the early stage (T1T2T3) and the later stage (T1T2T3). In a word, the acid rain acidolysis litter not only changed the organic composition of the substrate, but also caused the change of the physical structure of litter to a certain extent, and it may also change the litter colonization microbial community accordingly. These complex effects determine the response of litter decomposition and microbial activity to the acid hydrolysis of litter substrate to varying degrees.
【作者单位】: 吉首大学生物资源与环境科学学院;吉首大学生态旅游湖南省重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(31360135,31560205,41501335) 湖南省战略性新兴产业科技攻关项目(2014GK1062) 生态旅游湖南省重点实验室开放基金项目(JDSTLY1517)
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