[Abstract]:In order to study the effect of biogas fertilizer application on soil polluted by heavy metals, the soil of polluted irrigated area was selected in this paper. The effects of combined application of biogas residue and biogas liquid and pig manure and chemical fertilizer on heavy metals in soil were studied by using improved BCR continuous extraction method. It provides a theoretical basis for the rational and safe utilization of biogas fertilizer. The results showed that the combined application of biogas residue and biogas liquid could reduce the content of Pb ~ (2 +) in soil of sewage irrigation area, which was 47.65178.31589.13mg kg-1, and the content of Pb in soil decreased further after excessive application of biogas sludge, and reached the level of 36.23mg (kg ~ (-1) and the content of Cu ~ (2 +) Zn in soil had no obvious change. Combined application of biogas residue and biogas liquid can reduce the available state content of Pb ~ (2 +) in the soil of sewage irrigation area, which is 34.23163.13565.92mg kg-1, and the content of Pb ~ (2 +) decreases further after excessive application of the biogas residue biogas liquid, and the available state content of Cu ~ (2 +) Cu ~ (2 +) in the soil is further increased. Combined application of biogas residue biogas liquid can increase the content of residual PbCU Zn in soil of sewage irrigation area, and the content of PbCU Cu Zn in soil can be decreased in different degree after excessive application of biogas liquid. Combined application of fertiliser in pig manure could increase the content of Cu ~ (2 +) Zn in soil and the available and residual contents of Pb ~ (2 +) Cu ~ (2 +) ~ (2 +) Zn. The application of biogas residue biogas liquid or pig manure fertilizer could reduce the sum of 100 components of heavy metal Pb ~ (2 +) Cu ~ (2 +) Zn in the soil of sewage irrigation area, but the effect of combined application of pig manure and fertilizer was better than that of biogas residue and biogas slurry (p0.05). The effects of combined application of biogas fertilizer and pig manure fertilizer on the content, available state, residue state, acid extractable state and reducible fraction of heavy metal in soil of sewage irrigation area can be obtained. The application of biogas fertilizer can alleviate the risk to soil and environment caused by Pb ~ (2 +) Cu ~ (2 +) Zn in soil of sewage irrigated area to some extent.
【作者单位】: 沈阳农业大学工程学院;
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