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发布时间:2018-07-31 14:23
[Abstract]:In order to speed up the treatment process of animal husbandry faeces in Tianjin and improve the control effect, this paper makes a deep investigation on the treatment of animal husbandry dung pollution in Tianjin by means of questionnaire survey and field visit. At present, the difficulties faced by Tianjin's livestock industry in the treatment of manure pollution are mainly as follows: the scale farm is close to the residential area and the capacity of land absorption is insufficient; the livestock and poultry breeding area is more difficult to deal with the waste water; and the scattered farmers are outside the waste water treatment project. However, in the short term, the loose cultivation mode will not disappear immediately; the management of fecal pollution is mainly "treatment", the combination of planting and raising is not close, and the ability of deep resource utilization of manure is low. In order to break through the above difficulties, we should break the concept of region, gradually move livestock and poultry selectively out of the country, realize the matching of livestock and poultry breeding with environmental capacity, vigorously develop the circulation model of planting and raising, and encourage the establishment of organic fertilizer plants in large-scale farms. Developing to the integration of industry, improving the level of livestock production, putting ecological function in the important position of the development of modern animal husbandry in Tianjin, speeding up the process of ranching transformation in the breeding area, and implementing the policy of taking measures according to the local conditions to the scattered farming. This study is of great practical significance in promoting the transformation of animal husbandry development mode, improving ecological environment and building new countryside and beautiful countryside in Tianjin.
【作者单位】: 天津农学院经济管理学院;


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