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发布时间:2018-08-01 11:32
[Abstract]:In this experiment, the effects of straw different treatments on soil enzyme activity, organic matter content, microbial quantity and tobacco quality were studied to reveal the changes of soil microecological environment and tobacco quality under the high temperature composting and crushing of corn straw in the tobacco field. The results are as follows: 1. the changes in the activities of four kinds of enzymes in soil urease, invertase, catalase and nitrate reductase in rice, corn straw high temperature heap retting and crushing and returning to field in different growth period of tobacco were studied. The change with the time of composting increased first and then decreased, and the urease active group in the control group was the lowest, only 28.01 (NH+4-N g/ (g/h)), and the soil urease activity in the control group was 15.17 (NH+4-N mu g/ (g/h)) in the same period, and the activity of invertase in the soil was increased first and then decreased. The activity of sucrase in soil was higher than that of control. The activity of invertase in soil was slightly higher than that of non fertilizer control group. In addition to control CK and CK-F, the activity of catalase in the soil was slightly higher than that of the control group. The activity of catalase in the treatment of straw returning to the field was the highest, reaching 35.62mg/g, and the difference in the activity of the nitrate reductase in different treatments was that the RET of the soil for two months was -F composting and two months was RET for one month and -F heap retted for one month, and ret for three months and returned to the field for three months to return to the field for three months, and the total with the straw high temperature reactor. The prolongation of the retting time showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing. The activity of urease, invertase, nitrate reductase and other enzymes showed an increasing trend, but the activity of nitrate reductase in soil samples was different between different treatments. The changes of soil organic matter content of.2. straw after different treatments were changed. The soil organic matter content was the highest in two months of -F treatment, while straw returning and application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were the most significant in improving the soil organic matter content. Straw pulverization and pressure reduction of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in CK soil organic matter content was the lowest. The content of organic matter in farmland soil was significantly higher than that of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer (CK-F) treatment, in which rice, corn straw crushed and reversed field and combined with N, P and K soil organic matter content were the highest, but the difference of two crop straw returning to soil organic matter was not obvious.3. through research. Compared with CK, the amount of actinomycetes in soil could be increased, but the amount of soil fungi could not be increased by applying fertilizer, but the amount of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi in the soil treated with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer were significantly higher than that of only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer C. K treatment, and the number of bacteria in the largest gap, in the straw crushing and rolling back field test, fertilization on the number of bacteria to a certain extent, every treatment in the treatment of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the treatment of bacteria in the number of decreased. But when two kinds of stalks were crushed and returned to the field, the number of bacteria increased significantly compared with the other treatments, which indicated that the main factor affecting the number of bacteria in the soil was the straw returning to the field. The effects of different treatments on the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco, the yield and the quality of tobacco leaves were different, and the straw smashed and repressed the field of tobacco by the two kinds of straw returning. The treatment of plant height was higher than that of high temperature heap retting and returning to the field. The difference between the highest value of stem circumference and the maximum value of 8.8%. straw crushing and turning over the field was 2356kg/hm2, which was higher than that of the highest value of 2004kg/hm2, which was higher than that of the high temperature heap retting to the field, 17.56%. though rice, the yield of flue-cured tobacco and tobacco leaves to a certain extent were to some extent by the high temperature heap Retting of corn straw. The quality and so on are affected, but the way of crushing, turning over and returning to field is more suitable for the growth of flue-cured tobacco.


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