[Abstract]:Soil fertility is the comprehensive performance of soil chemical, physical and biological characteristics. In essence, it really represents soil quality, indicating that the soil fertility is directly related to the growth of plants. Bamboo is the largest and most widely distributed important economic bamboo species in the country, which plays an important role in ecological construction and economic development. For reasons such as natural and natural, the ecological system of bamboo forest did not reach the ideal growth and productivity state, especially the quality of soil fertility deteriorated, which had an impact on the normal growth of bamboo. In the study of many soil fertility quality, there were few studies on the soil fertility quality of Mao Zhulin. Therefore, the soil fertility quality of the bamboo forest was studied. It is of great significance for Mao Zhulin to carry out a comprehensive analysis and study to provide theoretical basis and method support for the sustainable management of Mao Zhulin and to enhance the function of ecological service. Taking the soil of Mao bamboo forest in the Bamboo Sea core scenic area of Yibin city of Sichuan Province as the research object, taking the map as the base map, according to the point of the kilometer grid, the equal distance is adopted. 21 indexes such as bulk density, organic matter and acid phosphatase were selected as evaluation indexes of soil fertility quality, and soil fertility quality indexes were screened by principal component analysis, and the index system of soil fertility quality evaluation was constructed by principal component analysis. The soil fertility quality indexes were analyzed by classical statistical method and ground statistics method. Krigiging insert was used in the analysis of soil fertility quality index. The spatial distribution map of soil fertility quality evaluation index was plotted. The spatial distribution pattern of soil fertility quality was plotted. The anastomosis of bamboo growth and soil fertility quality grade was analyzed, and the ecological measurement characteristics of C, N and P nutrient elements in bamboo forest were analyzed. The corresponding measures and countermeasures were put forward. The following main research results were obtained. (1) The principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of the first 6 principal components in the 0-20cm and 20-40cm soil layers was 81.986% and 81.429%, and organic matter, available potassium, effective phosphorus, bulk density, the maximum water capacity, the minimum water holding capacity, the total porosity, acid phosphatase, and other 8 evaluation indexes had the greatest contribution to the soil fertility quality, which was relative to the relative soil fertility quality. The key factor of independence can be used as the evaluation index system of soil fertility quality in the study area. (2) statistical analysis shows that the content of organic matter decreases with the increase of soil depth, and the content of available potassium in 20-40cm soil layer is slightly higher than that of 0-20cm soil layer, and the content of effective phosphorus is not more than 2.3mg/kg in the average average of the two layer, and it is effective in the soil of the whole study area. The bulk density increases with the increase of soil depth, and the total porosity of soil is 59.30% and 57.13% in different soil layers, and the permeability of soil is better, it is beneficial to the growth of Phyllostachys pubescens, but the permeability decreases slightly with the increase of soil depth, the maximum water holding capacity is 66.89% and 60.1%, and the minimum water holding range is 48.64%. And 44.73%, the average value of acid phosphatase 0-20cm and 20-40cm soil layer is 0.17mg*g-1*h-1, and the change range is small, the soil enzyme activity is more stable. (3) through normal distribution test, the indexes are basically normal distribution. In different soil layers, the evaluation indexes are positive and negative, and the acid phosphatase in the 20-40cm soil layer is not satisfied with the statistical analysis Assuming conditions, the Pw values of the other indexes are more than 0.05 after inspection or transformation. (4) the analysis of semi variance and spatial variability shows that the same evaluation index is basically consistent with the theoretical semi variance function model in different soil layers, and the best fitting of the exponential model for quick acting potassium, the bulk density, the minimum water holding capacity, the organic matter and the effective phosphorus are high. The best fit is to fit the maximum water holding capacity in 0-20cm. The Gauss model is fitted in the 20-40cm model, the total porosity is fitted to the Gauss model in 0-20cm soil layer, and the acid phosphatase is fitted with the Gauss model in the 20-40cm soil layer index model; the weight, the organic matter fit well, and the acid phosphatase is 0-20c The m soil layer model has better fitting degree, the maximum water holding capacity, the minimum water holding capacity and other indexes have large random variability. The organic matter, the available potassium and the total porosity have large structural spatial variation in different soil layers, the maximum water holding capacity, the minimum water holding capacity, the total porosity have weak spatial autocorrelation, the organic matter and the effective phosphorus are in different soil. The layer and acid phosphatase have strong spatial autocorrelation in the 0-20cm soil layer, the bulk density is medium variation in the two soil layers, the available potassium in the 0-20cm soil layer is the medium spatial autocorrelation, while the 20-40cm layer is strong spatial autocorrelation in the soil layer, and the change range is larger than the 1000m space between the 1042-1687m, and satisfies the Krigi. Ng interpolation requirements. (5) the spatial distribution of each evaluation index in different soil layers is distributed in a plaque like distribution, showing a low East high, the content of the fertility factors in the center or the north is higher than the surrounding area, and the central to the East is higher. (6) the soil fertility quality of the study area is divided into five grades. In general, the largest area of the two grade is the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second, the second In the three, four, and five level.0-20cm soil layers, the first and two higher fertility regions are distributed in the middle and northern regions, and the three and three level areas are distributed from the middle to the East and the West; in the 20-40cm soil layer, the first grade, and the higher fertility regions of the two grade are distributed in the middle and northeast regions, and three and three. The area below is mainly distributed in the western and southeastern parts. (7) the soil fertility quality is high, the bamboo diameter of bamboo is thicker, the proportion of I degree bamboo and II degree bamboo in the bamboo age structure is larger, the III degree bamboo occupies relatively small, the quantity of bamboo shoots is large, the number of standing bamboo is large, the soil fertility quality is low, the diameter of bamboo's chest is reduced, the proportion of I degree bamboo and the second degree bamboo in the bamboo age structure is small, and III The amount of bamboo shoots is small, the amount of bamboo shoots is small, the new bamboo is less and the number of standing bamboo is few. (8) the Soil Eco chemical measurement characteristics of the study area are closely related to the soil fertility grade. The ratio of the eco stoichiometry of 0-20cm and 20-40cm soil layer decreases with the decrease of the soil fertility quality grade in general, and the ratio changes in the individual fertility quality grade; C, N content is relatively high, P element content is generally not high, C, N, P element content change regularity is relatively stable and has internal stability. (9) geographical conditions, climatic characteristics, soil parent material and other natural factors as well as human activities interference are the main reasons for the spatial variation of soil fertility quality grade in the study area. Fill the phosphate fertilizer, adjust the stand structure, control the number of tourists, plan tourist routes and regional attractions.
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