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发布时间:2018-08-04 14:49
【摘要】:由于臭氧层消耗,南北半球中高纬度地区紫外线(UV-B)胁迫增强,为了探求增强的UV-B胁迫对红色型豌豆蚜生物学特性的影响,以期明确UV-B辐射在豌豆蚜种群演替和种下分化中的作用。本研究以40 W紫外线灯连续辐射处理红色型豌豆蚜8代,每代从初产若蚜开始每天处理1次,连续照射6d,分20、30、40、50和60min 5个处理,并设置白炽灯对照。结果显示,同一世代,随着UV-B辐射时间延长,豌豆蚜体长逐渐减短,体重逐渐减轻,净增殖率、内禀增长率、周限增长率逐渐减小,平均世代周期逐渐延长。同一UV-B辐射时间下,随着世代增加,豌豆蚜体长、体重、净增殖率、内禀增长率、周限增长率均呈先上升后显著下降的趋势,平均世代周期呈先下降后显著上升的趋势。至F8代,不同辐射时间下豌豆蚜平均体长为对照的42.58%~81.94%,平均体重为对照的33.77%~73.12%,净增殖率为对照的6.94%~46.55%,周限增长率为对照的77.00%~87.94%,平均世代周期为对照的1.20~1.38倍,内禀增长率降低,且50~60min处理下小于对照的1/2,种群数量增长放缓。以上说明长期UV-B胁迫对豌豆蚜的生长发育和种群增长最终都有抑制作用。
[Abstract]:Ultraviolet (UV-B) stress increased in the middle and high latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres due to ozone depletion. In order to explore the effects of increased UV-B stress on the biological characteristics of red pea aphids, To clarify the role of UV-B radiation in population succession and subspecies differentiation of pea aphid. In this study, red pea aphids were treated with 40W UV lamp for 8 generations, treated once a day from the first generation, irradiated continuously for 6 days, and divided into 5 treatments of 20: 30 and 40 ~ (50) and 60min, and an incandescent lamp control was set up. The results showed that with the prolongation of UV-B radiation time, the body length of pea aphid gradually decreased, the body weight gradually decreased, the net multiplication rate, intrinsic growth rate, weekly limit growth rate gradually decreased, and the average generation cycle gradually prolonged. Under the same UV-B radiation time, the body length, body weight, net multiplication rate, intrinsic growth rate and weekly limit growth rate of the aphid increased first and then decreased, and the average generation cycle decreased first and then increased significantly with the increase of generations. In the F8 generation, the average body length of the pea aphid was 42.58 and 81.94, the average body weight was 33.7773.12 and the net multiplication rate was 6.944.55. The weekly limit growth rate was 77.007.94, the average generation cycle was 1.20 ~ 1.38 times of the control, and the intrinsic growth rate was decreased. Under 50~60min treatment, population growth slowed down less than 1 / 2 of the control. These results indicated that the long-term UV-B stress could inhibit the growth and population growth of pea aphids.
【作者单位】: 甘肃农业大学草业学院草业生态系统教育部重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31260433) 甘肃省农牧厅科技项目 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金博导类资助课题(20136202110007)


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