[Abstract]:Continuous and irrational fertilization measures may destroy soil physical structure and reduce soil microbial activity and richness, and then lead to the weakening of soil fertility. In the agro ecosystem, soil microorganism is the core of soil biological fertility and plays an important role in the circulation of agricultural materials. This paper is dealt with in 6 years of nitrogen fertilizer treatment in a continuous period. Soil, alluvial soil and aeolian sandy soil were studied by using fluorophore detection, phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA), Biolog-ECO microplate, Illumina Mi Seq sequencing, real-time quantitative -PCR and terminal restrictive fragment analysis (T-RFLP) and other modern molecular ecology research methods, and the soil microorganism was systematically analyzed at different levels. Three kinds of soil microbial community structure, carbon source utilization ability and ammonia oxidation process are studied. The microbiology driving mechanism of three fertilizer soils under different nitrogen application and the relationship with soil microecological environment are discussed. The management of rational fertilization and soil nutrient balance, the efficient transformation and distribution of nutrients and sustainable development of farmland are realized. The main results of this paper are as follows: 1. the microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen and enzyme activity in three types of soil were significantly affected by different fertilization treatments. Low nitrogen (168 kg/ha) treatment increased the microbial biomass carbon (SMB-C) content of black soil and alluvial soil, high nitrogen (312 kg/ha) treatment increased the content of SMB-C and SMB-N in the sandy soil; beta glucosidase, urea The activity of enzyme and peroxidase was in the black soil alluvial soil wind sand; nitrogen treatment significantly increased the urease of three kinds of soil (312 Kg/ha except wind sand) and peroxidase in the sand soil; it significantly inhibited the beta glucosidase in alluvial soil, and most of the enzyme activity in the aeolian sandy soil was inhibited (except for the wind sand soil 270 Kg/ha).2. different fertilizer application. The microbial community structure and metabolic function of the three types of soil showed different differences. Nitrogen treatment significantly reduced the total amount of PLFA in black soil and sandy soil, bacteria, fungi, Gram-positive bacteria / Gram-negative bacteria (G~+/G~-) and actinomycetes, which significantly increased the content of fatty acids in alluvial soils (except fungi); in alluvial soil, the content of fatty acids was significantly increased. The composition of the species was significantly different from the other two soils, and the microbial community composition of the black soil and the sandy soil decreased with the increase of nitrogen application, and the high nitrogen (312 kg/ha) treatment significantly reduced the utilization ability of three soil microorganisms to carbon source and changed the microbial microbial community structure of three soil bacteria by different fertilizer treatments. Three kinds of soil were changed. The soil OTUs accounts for the 94.5%-98.4% of the bacteria in the soil. In all the treatments, the dominant bacteria are similar, mainly deformable fungi, acid bacilli and actinomycetes, accounting for the 75%-87% of total OTUs; at the level of the gate, the relative abundance of acid bacilli and alpha deformia is: the black soil alluvial soil, the relative abundance of the alluvial soil is the alluvial soil wind The relative abundances of the gates and nitrifying spiracia were reduced in the sand, and the relative abundance of the Proteus doors, actinomycetes, buds and greenbers, the relative abundances of Actinobacteria, Pseudomonas and the Archaea gates were decreased compared with the treatment of low nitrogen (168 kg/ha), and the Beta diversity analysis showed that no fertilizer was applied to the soil of the high nitrogen (312 kg/ha) and low nitrogen (168). Treatment and low nitrogen (168 kg/ha) treatment and high nitrogen (312 kg/ha) treatment of microbial community composition distinctly, redundant analysis showed that soil P H, organic carbon, total nitrogen and quick acting N were important factors affecting the microbial community composition.4. different fertilization treatments changed the nitrification potential of three types of soil, the abundances of ammonia oxidizing microorganisms Nitrogen treatment improved the nitrification potential (PNA) ability of alluvial soil and black soil, significantly reduced the PNA capacity of sand soil, and the abundance of ammonia oxidizing archaea (AOA) in three soils was higher than that of ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB), but with the increase of nitrogen application, the abundance of AOA and AOB in the sandy soil decreased, and the abundance of AOB in the black soil increased, while the alluvial soil was not in the alluvial soil. The T-RFLP analysis showed that the AOA community structure was more susceptible to different nitrogen application than AOB, especially in the wind sand soil, with the increase of nitrogen application, the community composition diversity of AOA decreased significantly, and the redundancy analysis showed that the AOA community structure was significantly related to the soil P H, TN, NH_4~+-N and NO_3~--N and soil nitrification potential.
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