[Abstract]:Taking the urban forest green space of Changchun as the research object, 9 kinds of soil indexes were determined, and the overall characteristics of the forest green land in Changchun city were rated according to the grading standard of the second national soil census. The soil fertility of different forest types, administrative regions and circular roads in Changchun city was analyzed by using Nemero index method, and the spatial distribution characteristics of soil nutrients in Changchun city forest green land were analyzed with ArcG is. With a view to Changchun urban forest construction to provide the basis and suggestions. The average content of soil organic matter (34.51 g/kg) and its spatial distribution (30 g/kg in most regions) reached the level of grade 2 (high level) compared with the classification grade (grade 6) determined by the second national soil census. Total nitrogen (mean 1.37 g/kg), alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen (mean 133.04 mg/kg), available phosphorus (mean 38.47 mg/kg) and their spatial distribution reached above 3 levels, total potassium (mean 58.7 g/kg) and available potassium (mean 255.85 mg/kg) and their spatial distribution reached 1 grade, with high content. The average content of total phosphorus was 0.51 g / kg, and most of the regions in space were concentrated in the range of 0.4-0.6 g / kg. Soil pH was 5.43-8.89, bulk density was 1.11-1.62 g / cm ~ (-1). Nemero comprehensive fertility index analysis showed that most areas of Changchun city were in the range of 1.5-1.8, and were in the middle level (the 3rd grade in the 4-level system). The main differences among different forest types were pH, total nitrogen, total phosphorus and alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen (P0.05). The main differences among different loops were pH, organic matter and total phosphorus (P0.05), while the most significant differences among different administrative regions were organic matter, total nitrogen, alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen, total phosphorus, available phosphorus and pH (P0.05). The comprehensive fertility index showed that: landscape forest unit subordinate forest = farmland shelterbelt road forest, green park Chaoyang district, Nanguan district, Erdao district, Kuancheng 1, ring 3, ring 4, ring 2, ring 4 According to the above results, we can take some measures such as loose soil, litter retting fertilizer, nitrogen and phosphorus organic fertilizer to control potash fertilizer, planting nitrogen-fixing and low phosphorus tolerant plants to promote urban forest construction in Changchun and enhance the ecological service function of urban vegetation.
【作者单位】: 东北林业大学森林植物生态学教育部重点实验室;城市森林与湿地学科组 中国科学院湿地与环境重点实验室 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所;
【基金】:中国科学院重点部署资助项目(KFZD-SW-302-04);中国科学院百人计划资助项目(Y3H1051001) 黑龙江省杰出青年资助项目(JC201401) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2572014EA01) 国家自然科学基金(31670699)
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