发布时间:2018-08-20 08:20
【摘要】:近二十年来金钟藤在海南地区扩散蔓延成灾,排挤本地植物,极大地降低了生境的物种多样性,对森林生态系统造成严重的危害,给生态环境带来严重的负面影响。本研究选择金钟藤为主要试验材料,分别开展野外调查和温室盆栽试验研究,从入侵植物对土壤理化性质的影响以及改变后的土壤对植物的反馈方面来探讨金钟藤可能的入侵机制。结果如下: 1.为揭示本地有害植物金钟藤对土壤生态的影响机制,比较研究了金钟藤与同属本地植物掌叶鱼黄草不同浓度(0.5g· mL-1、0.25g· mL-1、0.125g· mL-1、0g· mL-1)的鲜枝叶水浸液对土壤理化性质及3大类酶活性的影响。研究结果表明:金钟藤水浸液随浓度的增加显著提高了土壤pH值、全氮、有机质、速效钾、硝态氮、全磷、铵态氮、有效磷的含量,以及脲酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶的活性,但对土壤全钾含量没有显著影响。掌叶鱼黄草水浸液随浓度的增加也显著提高了土壤有效养分的含量,以及蔗糖酶和磷酸酶的活性,但对土壤全钾含量和尿酶活性影响不显著。与掌叶鱼黄草水浸液相比,金钟藤水浸液对土壤PH值、全磷、铵态氮、有效磷的含量和尿酶活性的影响更为显著,在最高浓度0.5g·mL-1浓度下金钟藤水浸液处理的土壤全磷、铵态氮、有效磷和尿酶含量分别是掌叶鱼黄草水浸液处理土壤的1.13倍、1.52倍、1.31倍和2.19倍,在0.25g·mL-1浓度下,分别是掌叶鱼黄草水浸液处理土壤的1.06倍、1.51倍、1.26倍、1.88倍,在0.125g·mL-1浓度下,分别是掌叶鱼黄草水浸液处理土壤的1.07倍、1.64倍、1.23倍、1.39倍。土壤养分和酶活性的改善可能为金钟藤生长提供有利条件,将促进其在与本地植物的竞争中获得优势,这可能是其能够入侵新区域成功和快速扩张蔓延的生态机制之一。 2.通过对野外具不同金钟藤覆盖度的生境进行土壤理化性质、酶活性及土壤微生物分析表明,金钟藤覆盖程度的加深显著提高了土壤全氮、有机质、速效钾、硝态氮、铵态氮和有效磷的含量,而降低了土壤全磷的含量,但对全钾含量的影响不显著,同时也显著提高了土壤蔗糖酶、尿酶和磷酸酶的活性,以及其可培养微生物类群的数量显著高于裸土土壤。全氮、有机质、硝态氮、铵态氮、速效钾和有效磷的含量在重度覆盖土中分别达2.57g·kg-1、44.96g·kg-1,17.42mg·kg-1,8.96mg·kg-1,12.67mg·kg-1和1.37mg·kg-1,分别是裸土的10.28倍、4.40倍、1.57倍,2.30倍、1.90倍和1.83倍。在重度覆盖土中,尿酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶活性分别为0.52mg· g-1、3.39mg· g-1和7.70mg·g-1,分别是裸土的2.26倍、2.92倍和1.39倍;真菌、细菌和放线菌的数量分别达到14.70×103CFU/g、5.88×107CFU/g和6.03×105CFU/g,分别是裸土的2.21倍、3.95倍和2.86倍。金钟藤改变了土壤微生物群落结构,进而改变了土壤理化性质和酶活性,形成对自身生长有利的微生态环境,这可能是其能够入侵新区域成功和快速扩张蔓延的生态机制之一。 3.通过温室盆栽试验,利用杀菌剂控制土壤真菌,研究土壤真菌对金钟藤和鸡屎藤的生长以及对金钟藤和鸡屎藤竞争互作的影响。研究表明:金钟藤单独种植时,重度覆盖土中生物量是裸中的1.63倍;在施加杀真菌剂的处理中,重度覆盖土中的生物量是裸土中的1.45倍。当金钟藤与鸡屎藤混合种植时,在没有杀菌剂的处理下,金钟藤与鸡屎藤混合种植的生物量都要比金钟藤单独生长时生物量有所提高,尤其是金钟藤覆盖土壤中金钟藤与鸡屎藤混合种植时的生物量与金钟藤单独种植时的生物量有显著差异,且混合种植时的生物量是单独种植时生物量的1.35倍。但施加杀真菌剂后这种竞争效果明显减弱,说明土壤真菌在金钟藤与鸡屎藤的种间竞争中表现为有利于金钟藤的生长。鸡屎藤单独种植时,在金钟藤覆盖土中生长明显受到抑制,在没有添加杀菌剂和添加杀菌剂的处理下,鸡屎藤分别在裸土中的生物量是金钟藤覆盖土中生物量的1.83倍和1.7倍。在与金钟藤共生的金钟藤覆盖土中,鸡屎藤的生物量与其单独生长时的生物量没有显著差异,但在施加杀菌剂后,混合种植的生物量是其单独生长时生物量的1.45倍。土壤真菌的反馈作用更加有利于金钟藤的生长,金钟藤与土壤微生物形成一个稳定的互作,将更有利于金钟藤单优势群落的形成。 4.将金钟藤与本地植物鸡屎藤、掌叶鱼黄草和鳞蕊藤分别种植在相同背景土壤中,来检测不同植物对土壤特性的影响,研究发现:金钟藤生长过的土壤中全氮、pH值、脲酶和蔗糖酶含量以及真菌、细菌和放线菌的数量都显著高于空白对照土,而速效钾、有效磷和有机质含量都显著低于空白对照土;鸡屎藤生长过的土壤中全氮、速效钾、pH值和有机质含量都显著高于空白对照土,脲酶、蔗糖酶和磷酸酶含量以及放线菌和细菌数量也都显著高于空白对照土;掌叶鱼黄草生长过的土壤中速效钾、pH值、磷酸酶和脲酶的含量以及放线菌数量显著高于空白对照土;鳞蕊藤生长过的土壤中有机质、pH值、速效钾、脲酶和蔗糖酶含量以及放线菌数量显著高于空白对照土。为了从土壤肥力以及土壤微生物群落等角度开展金钟藤入侵过程中的植物与土壤反馈机制的研究,比较研究了金钟藤预培养土与鸡屎藤、掌叶鱼黄草和鳞蕊藤预培养的土壤分别对这四种植物生长及生物量分配情况的影响,发现金钟藤和鸡屎藤都在自身生长过的土壤中生长的更好,他们的生物量都显著高于在其他土壤类型中的生物量,金钟藤和鸡屎藤都仅在自身预培养土中的根冠比较高。在本实验中,三种本地植物的生物量也表现出在金钟藤生长过的土壤中的生物量明显减少,证明金钟藤生长过的土壤确实对这三种植物有一定的抑制作用。进一步的生长反馈实验在一定程度上也阐明了金钟藤能够快速扩散蔓延的机制,其具有较强的土壤环境适应能力,能够更快的提高自身茎叶生物量,通过较高的地上生物量来获得更多的光合资源。这对其能够快速建立种群起到了很大的作用。
[Abstract]:Jinzhongteng has spread and spread in Hainan over the past 20 years. It has squeezed out the local plants, greatly reduced the species diversity of the habitat, caused serious harm to the forest ecosystem, and brought serious negative impact on the ecological environment. In this study, the possible invasive mechanism of Stephania japonica was discussed from the aspects of the effects of invasive plants on soil physical and chemical properties and the feedback of changed soil to plants.
1. In order to reveal the mechanism of soil ecology affected by the local harmful plant Stephania japonica, the effects of fresh branch and leaf water extracts of different concentrations (0.5g. mL-1, 0.25g. mL-1, 0.125g. mL-1, 0g. mL-1) on soil physical and chemical properties and three enzymes activities were comparatively studied. Soil pH, total nitrogen, organic matter, available potassium, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus, urease, sucrase and phosphatase activities were significantly increased with the increase of soil concentration, but the soil total potassium content was not significantly affected. Compared with the water extract of Roxburghii palmata, the effect of the water extract of Jinzhongteng on the soil PH value, total phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus content and urease activity was more significant. The soil treated with the water extract of Jinzhongteng at the highest concentration of 0.5g mL-1 had more significant effect on the soil total potassium content and urease activity. The contents of phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus and urine enzymes were 1.13 times, 1.52 times, 1.31 times and 2.19 times as much as those of water extract of P. palmatum, 1.06 times, 1.51 times, 1.26 times, 1.88 times as much as those of water extract of P. palmatum, 1.125 g. mL-1, respectively. The improvement of soil nutrients and enzyme activities may provide favorable conditions for the growth of C. sinensis and promote its competitive advantage with native plants, which may be one of the ecological mechanisms for its successful invasion of new areas and rapid expansion and spread.
2. Soil physicochemical properties, enzyme activities and soil microbial analysis showed that the soil total nitrogen, organic matter, available potassium, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and available phosphorus contents were significantly increased, while the soil total phosphorus content was decreased, but the total potassium content was affected. The contents of total nitrogen, organic matter, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, available potassium and available phosphorus were 2.57 g kg - 1, 44.96 g kg - 1, 17.42 mg kg - 1, 8.96 mg kg - 1 and 12.67 g kg - 1, respectively. The activities of urinary enzymes, sucrase and phosphatase were 0.52 mg g 1, 3.39 mg g 1 and 7.70 mg g 1, respectively, which were 2.26, 2.92 and 1.39 times as much as those of bare soil, 1.57, 2.30, 1.90 and 1.83 times as much as those of fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes, respectively. 3 CFU/g, 5.88 *107 CFU/g and 6.03 *105 CFU/g were 2.21 times, 3.95 times and 2.86 times of bare soil, respectively. One of.
3. The effect of soil fungi on the growth of C. japonica and C. falciparum and the competition and interaction between C. japonica and C. falciparum were studied by pot experiment in greenhouse. The biomass in the soil was 1.45 times higher than that in the bare soil. The biomass of the mixed planting was higher than that of the single planting, especially when the mixed planting was covered with the golden cabbage and the golden cabbage. There was a significant difference in the biomass of C. sinensis planted alone, and the biomass of C. sinensis mixed planting was 1.35 times that of C. sinensis planting alone. However, the competition effect of Fungicides on C. sinensis was obviously weakened, indicating that soil fungi were beneficial to the growth of C. sinensis in the interspecific competition between C. sinensis and C. sinensis. The biomass in bare soil was 1.83 times and 1.7 times as much as that in the soil covered with C. chinensis without fungicides and fungicides, respectively. The results showed that the biomass of the mixed planting was 1.45 times that of the single planting. The feedback of soil fungi was more favorable to the growth of the rattan. A stable interaction between the rattan and soil microorganisms would be more conducive to the formation of the single dominant community.
4. The contents of total nitrogen, pH value, urease and sucrase as well as fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes in the soil grown in the same background were significantly higher than those in the blank control. The contents of total nitrogen, available potassium, pH value and organic matter in the soil grown by Celastrus palmatum were significantly higher than those in the blank control soil, and the contents of urease, invertase and phosphatase, actinomycetes and bacteria in the soil were also significantly higher than those in the blank control soil. The contents of available potassium, pH value, phosphatase and urease and the number of actinomycetes in the treated soil were significantly higher than those in the blank control soil. The effects of plant and soil feedbacks on the growth and biomass distribution of the four plants were compared between the pre-cultured soil and the soil of Celastrus sinensis, Roxburghii palmatum and Celastrus sinensis. It was found that both Celastrus sinensis and Celastrus sinensis grew better in the soil where they grew. Well, their biomass is significantly higher than that in other soil types, and both of them have higher roots and crowns only in their own pre-cultured soil. In this experiment, the biomass of the three native plants also showed a significant decrease in the biomass in the soil where they grew, suggesting that the soil where they grew was indeed the case. The further growth feedback experiment also elucidated to a certain extent the mechanism of rapid diffusion and spread of the plant, which has a strong soil environment adaptability, can faster increase their own stem and leaf biomass, through higher aboveground biomass to obtain more photosynthetic resources. It can play a great role in establishing species groups quickly.
[Abstract]:Jinzhongteng has spread and spread in Hainan over the past 20 years. It has squeezed out the local plants, greatly reduced the species diversity of the habitat, caused serious harm to the forest ecosystem, and brought serious negative impact on the ecological environment. In this study, the possible invasive mechanism of Stephania japonica was discussed from the aspects of the effects of invasive plants on soil physical and chemical properties and the feedback of changed soil to plants.
1. In order to reveal the mechanism of soil ecology affected by the local harmful plant Stephania japonica, the effects of fresh branch and leaf water extracts of different concentrations (0.5g. mL-1, 0.25g. mL-1, 0.125g. mL-1, 0g. mL-1) on soil physical and chemical properties and three enzymes activities were comparatively studied. Soil pH, total nitrogen, organic matter, available potassium, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus, urease, sucrase and phosphatase activities were significantly increased with the increase of soil concentration, but the soil total potassium content was not significantly affected. Compared with the water extract of Roxburghii palmata, the effect of the water extract of Jinzhongteng on the soil PH value, total phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus content and urease activity was more significant. The soil treated with the water extract of Jinzhongteng at the highest concentration of 0.5g mL-1 had more significant effect on the soil total potassium content and urease activity. The contents of phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus and urine enzymes were 1.13 times, 1.52 times, 1.31 times and 2.19 times as much as those of water extract of P. palmatum, 1.06 times, 1.51 times, 1.26 times, 1.88 times as much as those of water extract of P. palmatum, 1.125 g. mL-1, respectively. The improvement of soil nutrients and enzyme activities may provide favorable conditions for the growth of C. sinensis and promote its competitive advantage with native plants, which may be one of the ecological mechanisms for its successful invasion of new areas and rapid expansion and spread.
2. Soil physicochemical properties, enzyme activities and soil microbial analysis showed that the soil total nitrogen, organic matter, available potassium, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and available phosphorus contents were significantly increased, while the soil total phosphorus content was decreased, but the total potassium content was affected. The contents of total nitrogen, organic matter, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, available potassium and available phosphorus were 2.57 g kg - 1, 44.96 g kg - 1, 17.42 mg kg - 1, 8.96 mg kg - 1 and 12.67 g kg - 1, respectively. The activities of urinary enzymes, sucrase and phosphatase were 0.52 mg g 1, 3.39 mg g 1 and 7.70 mg g 1, respectively, which were 2.26, 2.92 and 1.39 times as much as those of bare soil, 1.57, 2.30, 1.90 and 1.83 times as much as those of fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes, respectively. 3 CFU/g, 5.88 *107 CFU/g and 6.03 *105 CFU/g were 2.21 times, 3.95 times and 2.86 times of bare soil, respectively. One of.
3. The effect of soil fungi on the growth of C. japonica and C. falciparum and the competition and interaction between C. japonica and C. falciparum were studied by pot experiment in greenhouse. The biomass in the soil was 1.45 times higher than that in the bare soil. The biomass of the mixed planting was higher than that of the single planting, especially when the mixed planting was covered with the golden cabbage and the golden cabbage. There was a significant difference in the biomass of C. sinensis planted alone, and the biomass of C. sinensis mixed planting was 1.35 times that of C. sinensis planting alone. However, the competition effect of Fungicides on C. sinensis was obviously weakened, indicating that soil fungi were beneficial to the growth of C. sinensis in the interspecific competition between C. sinensis and C. sinensis. The biomass in bare soil was 1.83 times and 1.7 times as much as that in the soil covered with C. chinensis without fungicides and fungicides, respectively. The results showed that the biomass of the mixed planting was 1.45 times that of the single planting. The feedback of soil fungi was more favorable to the growth of the rattan. A stable interaction between the rattan and soil microorganisms would be more conducive to the formation of the single dominant community.
4. The contents of total nitrogen, pH value, urease and sucrase as well as fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes in the soil grown in the same background were significantly higher than those in the blank control. The contents of total nitrogen, available potassium, pH value and organic matter in the soil grown by Celastrus palmatum were significantly higher than those in the blank control soil, and the contents of urease, invertase and phosphatase, actinomycetes and bacteria in the soil were also significantly higher than those in the blank control soil. The contents of available potassium, pH value, phosphatase and urease and the number of actinomycetes in the treated soil were significantly higher than those in the blank control soil. The effects of plant and soil feedbacks on the growth and biomass distribution of the four plants were compared between the pre-cultured soil and the soil of Celastrus sinensis, Roxburghii palmatum and Celastrus sinensis. It was found that both Celastrus sinensis and Celastrus sinensis grew better in the soil where they grew. Well, their biomass is significantly higher than that in other soil types, and both of them have higher roots and crowns only in their own pre-cultured soil. In this experiment, the biomass of the three native plants also showed a significant decrease in the biomass in the soil where they grew, suggesting that the soil where they grew was indeed the case. The further growth feedback experiment also elucidated to a certain extent the mechanism of rapid diffusion and spread of the plant, which has a strong soil environment adaptability, can faster increase their own stem and leaf biomass, through higher aboveground biomass to obtain more photosynthetic resources. It can play a great role in establishing species groups quickly.
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