[Abstract]:The extreme climatic conditions in the Antarctic region make it one of the harshest terrestrial habitats on the earth, and its special habitat conditions give birth to unique microbial groups. The soil samples from 25 stations collected from the 30th Antarctic Scientific Survey in China and 2 typical stations from the 29th Antarctic Scientific Survey were studied in this paper. The diversity information of culturable microorganisms in this area was obtained by using traditional isolation and culture methods and 454 high-throughput sequencing techniques. The community structure of bacteria in typical stations was analyzed. The correlation between soil physicochemical factors and bacterial community structure was discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: 88 strains of bacteria and 41 strains of fungi were obtained by traditional culture. After 16s rDNA and ITS sequencing, phylogenetic tree was constructed to analyze the diversity of culturable soil microorganisms in this region. The results showed that Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas) and Arthrobacter (Arthrobacter) were dominant bacterial groups, while (Geomyces) and (Mortierella) were dominant fungi groups. The diversity of bacteria and fungi was different in different stations. The high-throughput sequencing data of soil samples from two typical stations were analyzed by bioinformatics, and the results showed that, Compared with the environmental background site A1, the community structure of bacteria in W2 soil with frequent human activities is obviously different, which indicates that human activities can affect the soil bacterial community structure. Linear regression analysis of different bacterial groups combined with soil physical and chemical properties showed that the correlations between different bacterial groups and soil physicochemical factors were different. RDA analysis showed that the environmental factor group had a good explanation for the variation of microbial community distribution. The results of this study lay a foundation for understanding the operation of Antarctic ecosystem and the utilization of Antarctic bacterial resources. Taking soil physical and chemical factors as the intermediate bridge, the high-throughput sequencing results were combined with the effects of human activities on soil communities by RDA analysis, which could provide the demonstration relationship on the experimental data. At the same time, it is possible for researchers to predict the specific changes caused by external activities in soil microbial diversity through high throughput sequencing of microbes and soil factors.
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