[Abstract]:Phytophthora infestans are a class of destructive plant pathogens distributed worldwide. Their sexual reproduction is very important to the survival and evolution of the species, but the molecular mechanism has not been elucidated up to now. A novel G-protein-coupled receptor (G protein coupled receptors,GPCR) was found in the genus Phytophthora, with a phosphatidylinositol kinase domain (Phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase,PIPK) at the C-terminal of its seventh transmembrane domain. The family was named GPCR-PIPKs (GKs), which consists of 12 members. In this study, the function of Pi-PIPK-D8 gene in GKs family of Phytophthora infestans was preliminarily studied and analyzed. The genetic transformation system of Phytophthora infestans was established by using green fluorescent protein expression vector and real-time quantitative RT-PCR technique. The expression of Pi-PIPK-D8 gene in tissues and organs of Phytophthora infestans at different developmental stages was detected, the Pi-PIPK-D8 cDNA protein coding region of Phytophthora disease was cloned, the fusion expression vector of Pi-PPK-D8 fluorescent protein was constructed, and the subcellular localization of Pi-PIPK-D8 was detected. The interference vector pSTORA (A1935) of Pi-PIPK-D8 was transformed into Phytophthora infestans by electroporation. The phenotype of the interfering strain was analyzed in order to reveal the function of Pi-PIPK-D8 gene. The results showed that: (1) Direct electroporation was a feasible genetic transformation method for Phytophthora infestans. The transformation rate of this method was about 2 times of that of protoplast transformation and was simpler and faster than that of protoplast transformation. (2) the sequence of Pi-PIPK-D8 cDNA protein coding region of HQK8-3 was 3045bp long, and the encoded protein contained 1015 amino acids, which was the same as the length of the sequence published by NCBI and the amount of amino acid encoding protein. However, there were 9 bases difference between the cDNA sequence and the published sequence of NCBI, and the amino acid sequence of the protein encoded by the cDNA sequence was different from that of the published sequence of NCBI. (3) the relative expression of Pi-PIPK-D8 was the highest in the endosporal spores of Phytophthora infestans HQK8-3, and it was found in the germinating cysts. The number of sporangium, zoospore and vegetative hyphae decreased in turn; (4) the Pi-PIPK-D8 protein of Phytophthora disease may be located in the granular structure of mycelium; (5) Pi-PIPK-D8 silencing of Phytophthora pathogenicus resulted in sparse growth of hyphae, and decreased the number of sporangium and zoospore. On the contrary, the number of oospores produced by sexual reproduction of mating type strains decreased, indicating that the gene was involved in the growth of Phytophthora, sporangium production and sexual reproduction. This study revealed that Phytophthora Pi-PIPK-D8 was involved in the growth and development of Phytophthora. It is of great significance to reveal the molecular mechanism of some important life phenomena of Phytophthora infestans in the future and to control the disease effectively.
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