[Abstract]:Soil seed bank (Soil Seed Bank) is the summation of all viable seeds in the soil and the deciduous layer of soil surface, and it is also a provenance bank for natural regeneration of vegetation. In this paper, the surface soil laying thickness, covering thickness and tree seed number are selected to set up orthogonal experiment, and the characteristics of soil seed bank after orthogonal test are analyzed, and the range analysis method and principal component analysis method are used to analyze the characteristics of soil seed bank. Index system method was used to evaluate the germinating effect of soil seed bank. The results showed that: (1) compared with the blank experiment, the design of orthogonal experiment increased the density and species richness of soil seed bank. The total number of germinating plants in the soil seed bank of orthogonal experiment was 3 519 (about 3.04 times of blank test), and 39 species (about 1.22 times); (2 of blank test) were the most important factors among the three factors. But the effect of introducing Arbor seed is not obvious. (3) it is reasonable to use range analysis, principal component analysis and index system method to evaluate the germination effect of soil seed bank of different schemes, but the three evaluation methods are all insufficient. Therefore, comprehensive consideration of three evaluation methods can improve the reasonableness of evaluation effect. According to the comprehensive analysis, the best restoration effect of the No. 8 restoration scheme (A _ 3B _ 2C _ 1, that is, the surface soil covering thickness of 5 cm, mulch thickness is 3 cm, and the seed number is 100ind m ~ (-2) can be used for reference for vegetation restoration.
【作者单位】: 南开大学环境科学与工程学院;天津师范大学城市与环境科学学院;
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