[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the present situation of soil stripping and utilization in China, the key problems and main directions of soil stripping and utilization in tilling layer are put forward. By using the method of literature investigation, this paper analyzes the exploration and practice of soil stripping and utilization in China in the fields of type, soil investigation and evaluation, stripping, storage and return, as well as organization and management model. At present, the research on soil stripping and utilization of cultivated layer in China is mainly based on empirical analysis, the research object is mainly pilot cities and counties and some individual site selection projects, and there is no unified standard procedure and technical system for soil stripping and utilization of tilling layer. Each technical link lacks the standard extraction; the theoretical research is relatively weak, does not form the regularity summary. In the future, the key points of the research on soil stripping and utilization in China are as follows: perfecting rules and regulations, strengthening supervision and management, standardizing the procedures of soil stripping and utilization in tilling beds, and formulating technical standards for implementation; To establish and perfect the incentive and restraint mechanism of soil stripping and utilization of cultivated layer, to absorb the beneficial experience of foreign soil stripping and utilization, and to explore more feasible and operable ways and methods in China. The aim is to provide scientific guidance for the effective protection of cultivated land resources, the stabilization of grain production and the protection of ecological environment.
【作者单位】: 广东省土地开发储备局 广东省国土资源厅不动产登记中心;
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