[Abstract]:In order to reveal the effects of different burning intensities on soil aggregates organic carbon and black carbon in Larix gmelinii natural forest, the heavy, moderate and light burned areas of Larix gmelinii natural forest were selected as the research objects, and the unfired Larix gmelinii natural forest as the control, the results showed that: (1) Soil organic carbon and black carbon were correlated. The contents of organic carbon and black carbon in 0-5 cm layer soil were significantly higher than those in 5-10 and 10-20 cm layers (P (P 0.05): The content of organic carbon decreased by 6.63%, black carbon increased by 46.85%, black carbon content was significantly different (P 0.05); the content of organic carbon and black carbon had no significant change in the whole soil of light burning. Dry-sieve aggregates and water-stable aggregates were mainly of 2mm grade, and the compositions of aggregates showed heterogeneous tendency after different burning intensities. Dry-sieve aggregates and water-stable aggregates PAo.25 showed a decreasing trend, while PADo.25 and D showed an increasing trend, mainly in surface soil. Specific surface area (MWSSA) of water-stable aggregates increased with fire. The variation of MWSSA of water-stable aggregates with fire intensity was contrary to that of dry sieve treatment. The results showed that the agglomeration of aggregates was reduced by different intensity of fire, and the mechanical stability and water stability of soil were decreased, especially in severe and moderate fire. (3) The organic carbon content of dry sieve aggregates increased with the increase of grain size and decreased with the increase of soil depth. Compared with the control plots, the organic carbon content of 5 mm and 0.053 mm aggregates in 0-5 cm soil layers increased significantly (P 0.05), with an increase of 177.76% and 127.27%. The content of organic carbon in dry-sifted aggregates in moderate and light burning sites was similar to that in severe burning sites. The content of organic carbon in water-stable aggregates in 0-5 cm layers was increased by severe burning, while that in water-stable aggregates in moderate and light burning sites was increased by moderate and light burning. (4) The distribution of black carbon in dry-sieve agglomerates was similar to that of organic carbon. The black carbon content of 0-5 cm layer, 2-5 mm, 0.053-0.25 mm, 0.053 mm and < 0.053 mm dry-sieve agglomerates increased by 4.92, 4.19, 1.06, 0.44 g/kg, respectively, and the difference between the two groups was significant (P 0.05). The change of black carbon content of aggregates was similar to that of heavy burning. The heavy burning significantly increased the black carbon content of water-stable aggregates with different particle sizes in three soil layers (P 0.05), and the change of black carbon content of water-stable aggregates with moderate and light burning was small. (5) The BC/SOC ratio of all kinds of aggregates ranged from 0.05 to 0.45, and the different burning intensities significantly increased the dryness of all grades. (6) Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant linear relationship between organic carbon and black carbon in the whole soil and the content of organic carbon and black carbon in the dry-sieve aggregates with different sizes, while the linear correlation between organic carbon and black carbon in the water-stable aggregates was lower.
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