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发布时间:2018-09-08 09:50
【摘要】:黑龙江省是我国重要的粮食生产基地,然而水资源短缺、水土流失面积不断扩大,严重制约了该地区农业、经济的发展,威胁了生态系统的平衡,成为限制地区可持续发展与粮食安全的重要因素。生物炭作为一种新兴的土壤改良剂,可以改良土壤,提高土壤肥力、固定碳素减缓气候变化,综合利用生物炭可以解决可持续发展、节能降耗、环境保护和治理等问题。为探寻秸秆生物炭对黑龙江省坡耕地主要粮食作物的节水增产及水土保持效应,试验于2015年,以黑龙江省北安市红星农场3°坡耕地为研究对象,设置玉米和大豆两个试验区,生物炭施加量分别为0、25、50、75、100t/hm2 5个处理。试验中利用人工观测、TDR、径流自动记录系统和泥沙收集系统等进行数据收集,通过对在天然降雨下次降雨产流、产沙过程,年降雨产流、产沙量以及土壤含水量变化、作物生长动态和产量及其生长要素的观测与分析的基础上,研究了不同作物在不同生物炭施加量情况下的水土保持和节水增产效应,并采用灰色关联投影模型分别对玉米和大豆试验区生物炭施加量模式进行了综合评价,得出玉米和大豆的最优生物炭施加量方案,以期为当地实现生物炭的应用提供参考。初步结论如下:(1)施加生物炭可以改善土壤环境,且生物炭施加量越多效果越明显。施加生物炭对玉米和大豆试验区影响基本一致,施加生物炭可以降低土壤容重、增加田间持水量、提高土壤中有机质、有效磷和有效钾的含量,且生物炭施加量越多效果越好,但是施加生物炭对土壤中铵态氮的含量影响较小。(2)施加生物炭对降雨径流过程影响不大,但可以减少降雨地表径流量。生物炭对次降雨径流的影响与降雨时植物生长状态和降雨强度有关,产流量随着生物炭施加量增大而减小;施加生物炭也可以降低年径流量,对于玉米试验区,年径流量随着生物炭施加量的增加而减小,而大豆试验区生物炭施加量为75t/hm2的处理年径流量最小。(3)施加生物炭对降雨产沙过程影响不大,但施加适量生物炭可以减少降雨带来的土壤侵蚀和养分流失量。施加适量生物炭可以降低年产沙量,对于玉米试验区,生物炭施加量为25t/hm2时产沙量最小;对于大豆试验区,产沙量随着生物炭施加量增加而增加。施加生物炭可以减少土壤中有机质、铵态氮、有效磷和有效钾的流失,但是不同生物炭施加量对减少各养分流失影响不一,没有明显规律。(4)施加生物炭对土壤水分动态变化趋势没有明显的改变,但可以提高0~60cm土层土壤含水量,从而提高土壤储水量。玉米和大豆试验区生物炭对土壤水分的影响基本一致,施加生物炭的处理各生育期0~60cm土层土壤含水量均高于对照处理,且土壤含水量随着生物炭施加量的增加而增高;施加生物炭对60~100cm土层土壤含水量影响较小。(5)施加生物炭可以提高玉米和大豆的生长动态、产量及其构成要素,各指标变化规律基本相同。当生物炭施用量为50 t/hm2时,玉米各指标达到最优;当生物炭施用量为75 t/hm2时,大豆各指标达到最优。(6)施加生物炭可以提高玉米、大豆的水分利用效率。其中,生物炭施用量为50 t/hm2时,玉米水分利用效率最高;生物炭施用量为75 t/hm2时,大豆水分利用效率最高。(7)对不同生物炭施加量方案进行综合评价得出:玉米试验区中生物炭施用量为25t/hm2为最佳方案,大豆试验区中生物炭施用量为75 t/hm2为最佳方案。
[Abstract]:Heilongjiang Province is an important grain production base in China. However, the shortage of water resources and the expanding area of soil erosion seriously restrict the development of agriculture and economy in this area, threaten the balance of ecosystem, and become an important factor restricting the sustainable development and food security in this area. In order to explore the effects of straw biochar on water-saving, yield-increasing and soil and water conservation of main grain crops on Sloping Farmland in Heilongjiang Province, the experiment was conducted in Beian City, Heilongjiang Province in 2015. In the experiment, the data of runoff, sediment and sediment collection were collected by artificial observation, TDR, automatic runoff recording system and sediment collection system. The runoff, sediment production and annual rainfall were analyzed in the next rainfall period. Based on the observation and analysis of runoff yield, sediment yield and soil water content, crop growth dynamics, yield and growth factors, the effects of different crops on Soil and water conservation and water saving and yield increase were studied under different biochar application rates. The grey relational projection model was used to apply biochar to maize and soybean experimental areas respectively. The results are as follows: (1) Biochar application can improve soil environment, and the more biochar application, the more obvious the effect. The effect of biochar application on corn and soybean is basically the same. As a result, the application of biochar can reduce soil bulk density, increase field water holding capacity, increase soil organic matter, available phosphorus and potassium content, and the more biochar applied, the better the effect, but the application of biochar on soil ammonium nitrogen content has little effect. (2) The application of biochar has little effect on rainfall runoff process, but can reduce rainfall. The effect of biochar on runoff is related to plant growth and rainfall intensity during rainfall, and the yield decreases with the increase of biochar application. The annual runoff can also be reduced with the increase of biochar application. For maize test area, the annual runoff decreases with the increase of biochar application, while for soybean test area, the annual runoff decreases with the increase of biochar application. The annual runoff of 75 t/hm2 was the smallest. (3) The application of biochar had little effect on rainfall and sediment yield, but it could reduce soil erosion and nutrient loss caused by rainfall. Biochar could reduce the loss of organic matter, ammonium nitrogen, available phosphorus and potassium in soil, but the effect of different biochar application on reducing nutrient loss was different, and there was no obvious regularity. (4) Biochar application had no significant effect on the dynamic change of soil moisture. The effect of biochar on soil moisture in maize and soybean experimental areas was basically the same. The soil moisture content in 0-60 cm soil layer was higher than that in control treatment at different growth stages, and the soil moisture content increased with the increase of biochar application. (5) Biochar application could improve the growth dynamics, yield and its components of maize and soybean, and the change rule of each index was basically the same. (6) The application of biochar could improve the water use efficiency of maize and soybean. The highest water use efficiency of maize was when the biochar application rate was 50 t/hm2, and the highest water use efficiency of soybean was when the biochar application rate was 75 t/hm2. (7) The comprehensive evaluation of different biochar application rate schemes showed that: the middle-aged maize experiment area was middle-aged. 25 t/hm2 was the best scheme, 75 t/hm2 was the best scheme.


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