[Abstract]:In this paper, 10 potassium-related treatments (Ministry of Organic Fertilizer) were selected based on the long-term fertilization experiment of vegetables established by the Horticulture College of Shenyang Agricultural University in 1988, aiming at the problems of fertilizer utilization rate, soil quality degradation, vegetable yield and quality decline caused by unreasonable fertilization in greenhouse vegetable production. It was divided into five treatments: organic fertilizer AN0, organic fertilizer and potassium fertilizer AK, organic fertilizer and nitrogen and potassium fertilizer ANK, organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer APK, organic fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer ANPK; no organic fertilizer part of the five treatments: no organic fertilizer BN0, only potassium fertilizer BK, only nitrogen and potassium fertilizer BNK, only phosphorus and potassium BPK, only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer BPK. The effects of long-term fertilization on Soil Potassium profile distribution, tomato yield and quality in greenhouse were studied by field experiment and laboratory analysis. The results were as follows: (1) Under long-term fertilization conditions, potassium content in different soil layers varied significantly. The results showed that the content of available potassium in soil could be greatly increased by applying organic fertilizer. The content of available potassium in soil layer treated with organic fertilizer was 49.99%, 57.42% and 45.90% higher than that without organic fertilizer. The content of available potassium in soils treated with AK was 288.46 mg The organic fertilizer and potassium fertilizer had a significant effect on the content of slowly available potassium in tomato soil. Taking flowering stage as an example, the application of organic fertilizer increased the content of slowly available potassium by 286.97 mg kg 1, 139.28 mg kg 1, 184.66 mg kg 1, respectively, compared with the treatment without organic fertilizer. The soil available potassium content of tomato was 186.73 mg 6550 (3) The content of total potassium in tomato soil was also greatly affected by different fertilization treatments. The content of total potassium in 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layers was significantly different. In these two layers, the content of total potassium in soil was significantly affected by organic fertilizer, but the content of total potassium in tomato soil was decreased by organic fertilizer application, while in 40-60 cm soil layers, the content of total potassium in tomato soil was significantly decreased. The content of total potassium in soil of 0-20cm layer was the highest in the treatment of BK, which indicated that the application of potassium fertilizer had obvious effect on increasing the content of total potassium in soil. (4) Under the condition of long-term fertilization, there were significant differences in K uptake among leaves, stems, roots and fruits of all treatments. The highest K uptake was 2.98% in ANPK treatment, 1.83% in AK treatment, and 3.92% in BNPK treatment, respectively. Among all tomato organs, the K uptake in fruit was much higher than that in other parts, while the K uptake in root was less than that in total, and the K uptake in fruit accounted for 3.72% and 3.71% respectively. In tomato fruit, the proportion of potassium uptake in each treatment ranged from 30.2% to 36.6%, in tomato leaves, the proportion of potassium uptake in each treatment ranged from 26.9% to 35.0%, in tomato stem, the proportion of potassium uptake in each treatment ranged from 17.2% to 27.7%, and in tomato root, the proportion of potassium uptake in each treatment ranged from 26.9% to 35.0%. (5) Under long-term fertilization conditions, the yield of tomatoes was significantly different. The yield of tomatoes treated with increased organic fertilizer was higher than that without organic fertilizer, with an average increase of 5065.5 kg per hectare, an increase of 19.49%. The yield of tomatoes treated with ANPK was the highest, followed by that treated with BNPK, reaching 76732.5 kg.hm-2, 60289, respectively. 5 kg.hm-2. The yield of tomato treated with organic fertilizer was higher than that without organic fertilizer, but the combination of organic fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was more conducive to the increase of tomato yield. (6) Under the condition of long-term fertilization, the quality of tomato was significantly different, the soluble sugar content of organic fertilizer treatment was higher than that of non-organic fertilizer treatment, the average increase was 5.84%; organic fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer combined application increased the soluble sugar content of fruit more significantly, the ANPK treatment reached 5.56%, followed by treatment. The results showed that the content of soluble sugar in tomato fruits could be effectively increased by P and K fertilizers in combination with N, P and K fertilizers, and the content of organic acid could be effectively regulated by organic fertilizer and N, P and K fertilizers. The content of organic acid in ANPK treatment was the lowest, followed by BNPK treatment. The sugar-acid ratio of ANPK was the highest, followed by BNPK, and there was a significant difference between ANPK and other treatments. It can be seen that the vitamin C content of tomato could be significantly improved by rational fertilization. The difference of vitamin C content among different treatments was significant, and the organic fertilizer combined with N-P-K fertilizer could effectively improve tomato. The contents of vitamin C in eggplant fruits were the highest in ANPK and BNPK treatments, the lowest in AN0 and BN0 treatments, and there was a significant difference between ANPK and other treatments. The content of vitamin C in ANPK was 10.3 mg/kg-1 higher than that in AN0, and the content of vitamin C in BNPK was 5.4 mg/kg-1 higher than that in BN0.
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