[Abstract]:China's agricultural modernization should be inclusive of farmers, service farmers, for farmers of agricultural modernization. Although smallholder farmers face such problems as the fragmentation of land, the aging of agriculture, the separation of land contractors and operators, the difficulty of agricultural cooperation and the difficulty of docking services, China's agricultural modernization is not a pure market process. It is to realize the modernization of agriculture on the basis of protecting small farmers, which is the basic starting point of China's agricultural policy. We need to face up to the problems in the process of agricultural production based on family management in order to make agricultural policy and national favorable agricultural resources truly improve and improve the production conditions of small farmers and improve agricultural output and efficiency. In Sheyang County, the model of "combined farming and planting" can better realize the agricultural modernization based on the protection of small farmers, which is an important exploration to construct the basic agricultural management system at present.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;
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