[Abstract]:Humic acid (Humic Acid,) is divided into mineral source humic acid and biological source humic acid. The humic acid in this study is derived from mineral source humic acid. The molecular weight of humic acid in weathered coal is huge, the solubility is poor, the active functional group is few, and the function is small. Therefore, in order to improve the activity of humic acid, the best activation technology of humic acid in weathered coal has been explored and compared in this paper. The effects of humic acid on agriculture, including the effect of humic acid on soil microorganism in orchard and the growth of ryegrass, were analyzed and evaluated. The effect of humic acid on the availability of soil phosphate fertilizer and its improvement on saline-alkali soil. It provides theoretical basis for the activation process, mass production and application of weathered coal humic acid in the future. The main results are as follows: 1. The active humic acid was prepared by solid activation of weathered coal in a roller ball mill using potassium hydroxide as activator. The optimum technological conditions were as follows: potassium hydroxide accounted for 10% of the mass of weathered coal, the rotation rate was 50 r / min, and the grinding time was 60 min. The water solubility of the humic acid produced under this condition is 31.4wt. The pH is 7.52, the conductivity is 865 渭 S / cm. The water solubility of the humic acid is 174.70.2. higher than that of the unactivated treatment. Humic acid can improve the soil microbial community structure. In pot experiment, 50g humic acid was added to the soil of 2500g orchard soil, and the soil actinomycetes was larger after 95 days of culture, reaching 35.62700000 / g soil, and CK only 0.4502000 / g soil.3.. Humic acid could obviously increase the physiological activity of ryegrass, and soluble fulvic acid could significantly increase the activity of SOD, nitrate reductase in ryegrass. However, weathered coal humic acid significantly increased the root activity and root growth of ryegrass, and weathered coal humic acid was a sufficient carbon pool for soil. The accumulative biomass of ryegrass treated with HS5 for 51 days was 145g. 4 higher than that of CK. Ammonium phosphate, activated weathered coal and unactivated weathered coal were added to the same amount of cinnamon soil with the same physical and chemical properties according to four different proportions of 1: 0: 1: 1: 1: 1 and 1:5, respectively. Under three different treatment conditions, the relative soil moisture content was 500.75% and 100%, respectively, and cultured at room temperature. The content of available phosphorus in soil was determined regularly. The results showed that the phosphorus fertilizer applied to the soil resulted in the obvious fixation by the soil on the 7th to 14th day of culture, which resulted in the rapid decrease of the available phosphorus content in the soil. The relative water content (RWC) of 100% soil samples decreased by 30% and 13%, respectively. The addition of activated weathered coal can increase the available phosphorus 5-13 in the soil. In the treatment group with activated weathered coal, the content of available phosphorus in the soil treated with P2O5:AHA (activated weathered coal) at 1:5 was the highest, followed by P2O5:AHA at 1:1. With the increasing of humic acid, the total salt of the soil decreased significantly, and the total salt of the soil with 400g humic acid in 2500g saline-alkali soil decreased the most, which was lower than that of CK (23.5g). However, with the addition of humic acid, the difference of pH value of saline-alkali soil was not significant. 6. 6. Humic acid adsorbed the base ions of soil, and the total salt reduction was positively correlated with the humic acid added into the soil, and it reached a significant level at the polynomial (P) level. The correlation equation is yang-4 脳 10-6 x 2 0.0032x 0.1596, in which y is the total salt reduction (g/kg), x is g/pot), that is, in the range of humic acid used in this experiment, the total salt reduction of Dongying saline-alkali soil tends to decrease with the increase of humic acid content.
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