[Abstract]:In order to study the soil and water loss in the course of the construction and development of the island city, this paper combines (GIS) with the general soil loss equation (USLE), and takes Pingtan Island, a typical island in Fujian Province, as the research area. The basic geographic database of Pingtan Island research area was established by using GIS, and the soil erosion amount in 1990 and 2013 was estimated and analyzed by using the raster data spatial analysis function of ArcGIS. The results showed that the average soil erosion modulus of Pingtan Island in 1990 was 1 674.64t/ (km~2 a), 2013 average soil erosion modulus was 735t/) (km~2 a), was mild erosion). The micro-erosion increased from 72.38% in 1990 to 79.31% in 2013. However, slight erosion, moderate erosion, intensity erosion, extreme intensity erosion and severe erosion all decreased. In 1990, 2013, the area above intensity contributed the most to soil erosion. Land use change, rainfall and slope change play a significant role in soil erosion. This study can be used as a reference for the economic development and construction of Pingtan Island, the rational use of land, and the best soil and water conservation management measures for other typical islands in the course of urbanization.
【作者单位】: 福建农林大学林学院;海峡两岸红壤区水土保持协同创新中心;厦门大学两岸关系和平发展协同创新中心;
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