[Abstract]:[objective] on the basis of analyzing the related research progress of crop yield estimation methods at home and abroad, a new mixed yield estimation model was proposed by combining the traditional statistical yield estimation method with remote sensing estimation method. [methods] the model is based on the trend of yield per unit yield. There are three parts of modified unit yield and random error term by remote sensing, in which the trend unit yield is based on the statistical data of unit yield of historical long time series, which is obtained by polynomial regression method and ARIMA model correction. The modified yield of remote sensing was obtained by using NDVI of three crop key growth periods and multivariate regression of measured yield. To verify the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed yield estimation method, Based on the satellite remote sensing images of three scenes of winter wheat in the key growth period of winter wheat in 2015, the data of winter wheat yield per unit yield of winter wheat plots measured in the past 30 years (1985-2014) and winter wheat yield per unit yield data of every district and county in Beijing were used. To estimate the winter wheat yield in Beijing in 2015, [results] the prediction accuracy of mixed yield estimation model for winter wheat yield in Beijing reached 98.7%, and the precision of estimating yield in all districts and counties exceeded 90%, except Fangshan (90.3%). The relative precision of forecasting yield per unit yield of each county is more than 95. The precision of forecasting winter wheat yield per unit yield of Beijing by traditional trend yield model is 94.75, but on the scale of district and county, the precision of traditional yield estimation model is low. The yield estimation accuracy of Fangshan area is less than 80%, and the precision of traditional trend yield model can be improved by introducing ARIMA model. The prediction accuracy of winter wheat yield per unit yield was improved by 1.59 on average. The model of remote sensing correction established in this paper is optimized by using three scenes remote sensing images. This method improves the precision of winter wheat yield estimation by 3.55 as a whole, especially in Fangshan, Pinggu and other districts, counties and counties, such as Fangshan, Pinggu and so on. [conclusion] the prediction of winter wheat yield per unit yield on the scale of city and county level achieved high precision, and the changes of time scale and space scale of winter wheat were fully taken into account, which has certain guiding significance for crop yield estimation.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室;北京师范大学遥感科学与工程研究院;北京师范大学地理科学学部;北京市统计局;
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