[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of global information technology, human society is undergoing a rapid change, with the rapid infiltration of information technology into military, agriculture, medical and other fields, Mankind has entered the information technology era. Agricultural informatization refers to the use of modern science and technology information technology to provide services for agricultural production and farmers' life. It is also a necessary means for the development of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and is also the essential feature of agricultural modernization. In order to accelerate the rapid, healthy and coordinated development of agriculture and rural economy and accelerate the progress of agricultural modernization in China, the research on agricultural informatization construction has strong theoretical and practical significance. This paper takes Hunan Province National demonstration Agricultural Informatization platform as the research object, on the basis of deeply studying the development course and research status of agricultural informatization at home and abroad, and carefully understand the development situation of Hunan Agricultural Informatization. This paper analyzes the existing problems, and studies the construction of agricultural information network platform and several key application systems in Hunan Province, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures and suggestions. The main contents of the research are as follows: 1. Aiming at the problems of various kinds of access clients and complex authentication in the current agricultural information network platform, the web page authentication based on Eportal technology is completed; 2. Aiming at the difficulty of network equipment configuration backup and update password, based on LINUX system, the system design of network equipment configuration automatic backup is completed. 3, aiming at the problem that agricultural information database is difficult to carry out full-text retrieval, This paper explores and realizes the simple full-text retrieval function. 4. Aiming at the problem that the agricultural information platform has many network equipments and the network topology is complex and difficult to manage, the automatic monitoring of the network equipment is realized based on the CACTI system.
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