发布时间:2018-10-17 08:28
【摘要】:为了研究氮添加对森林土壤有机碳氮组分稳定性的影响,选取我国亚热带典型常绿阔叶林(浙江桂天然林和罗浮栲天然林)和针叶林(杉木人工林),开展为期5年的野外模拟氮沉降试验,分别设置对照〔0 kg/(hm~2·a),以NH_4NO_3中的N计,下同〕、低氮〔75 kg/(hm~2·a)〕和高氮〔150 kg/(hm~2·a)〕3个氮添加水平,用H_2SO_4分2步酸水解获得LPⅠ(活性有机库Ⅰ)、LPⅡ(活性有机库Ⅱ)和RP(惰性有机库),定量研究土壤活性和惰性有机碳氮组分以及微生物生物量碳氮对氮添加的响应.结果表明:氮添加仅对w(LPⅡ-C)(LPⅡ-C为活性有机碳Ⅱ)有显著影响,而对其他活性和惰性有机碳氮组分的影响不显著,并且对不同林分的影响存在差异.与对照处理相比,低氮处理下浙江桂天然林、罗浮栲天然林和杉木人工林土壤w(LPⅡ-C)的增幅分别为15.3%、29.8%、68.8%;高氮处理下杉木人工林土壤w(LPⅠ-C)(LPⅠ-C为活性有机碳Ⅰ)、w(LPⅠ-N)(LPⅠ-N为活性有机氮Ⅰ)和w(RP-C)(RP-C为惰性有机碳)的增幅分别为32.4%、78.6%、28.7%;氮添加使得土壤w(SMB-C)(土壤微生物生物量碳)的增幅为18.1%~202.5%、w(SMB-N)(土壤微生物生物量氮)的增幅为0%~103.6%;在氮添加处理下,除杉木人工林土壤SMB-N/LPⅠ-N〔w(SMB-N)/w(LPⅠ-N)〕是随着氮添加水平的增加而降低外,微生物对其他林分土壤活性有机氮的利用均表现为随着氮添加水平的增加而增加.研究显示,氮添加对阔叶林和针叶林土壤活性和惰性有机碳氮组分的影响存在差异,但差异不显著,这与它们归还土壤的凋落物性质差异有关,并且凋落物的分解差异也可能是影响土壤不同碳氮组分变化的原因.
[Abstract]:In order to study the effects of nitrogen addition on the stability of organic carbon and nitrogen components in forest soil, The typical evergreen broad-leaved forest (natural forest of Zhejiang Gui and natural forest of Castanopsis fargesii) and coniferous forest (Chinese fir plantation) were selected to carry out field simulated nitrogen deposition experiments for 5 years in China, and the control was set up (0 kg/ (hm~2 a), is the same as N in NH_4NO_3), respectively). Low nitrogen (75 kg/ (hm~2 a) and high nitrogen (150 kg/ (hm~2 a) 3 nitrogen supplementation levels, LP 鈪,
[Abstract]:In order to study the effects of nitrogen addition on the stability of organic carbon and nitrogen components in forest soil, The typical evergreen broad-leaved forest (natural forest of Zhejiang Gui and natural forest of Castanopsis fargesii) and coniferous forest (Chinese fir plantation) were selected to carry out field simulated nitrogen deposition experiments for 5 years in China, and the control was set up (0 kg/ (hm~2 a), is the same as N in NH_4NO_3), respectively). Low nitrogen (75 kg/ (hm~2 a) and high nitrogen (150 kg/ (hm~2 a) 3 nitrogen supplementation levels, LP 鈪,