[Abstract]:[objective] the phenomenon of excessive application of chemical fertilizer is common in China, which is not conducive to the protection of ecological environment and sustainable agricultural production. The effects of fertilizer reduction on wheat yield, grain filling and fertilizer utilization efficiency can provide theoretical basis for high efficiency application of chemical fertilizer and zero growth target in China. [methods] two field experiments were carried out in Sichuan Basin. In comparison with normal fertilization (S / P _ 2O _ 5 / K _ 2O = 180 ~ 120 / 45 kg/hm~2) and N _ P _ 2O _ 5 / K _ 2O _ 2 treatment, the yield and composition of wheat, grain filling, dry matter transport after anthesis, chlorophyll content in flag leaf were measured. [results] there was no significant change in wheat yield, ear number and grain number per ear under reduced fertilization compared with conventional fertilization, and the 1000-grain weight of wheat in wheat and maize rotation increased significantly by 5.8%. According to the fitting results of Logistics equation, reduced fertilization significantly increased the theoretical maximum 1000-grain weight, gradual growth stage and slow growing stage of wheat, but had no significant effect on other grain filling parameters. Under reduced fertilization, dry matter transport, transport rate and its contribution to grain filling of wheat increased by 28.5% and 20.7%, but chlorophyll content of flag leaf decreased faster after anthesis. The nitrogen surplus of conventional fertilization and reducing fertilization were 22. 6 and 30. 2 kg/hm~2, respectively. The soil phosphorus surplus was 82. 4 and 22. 8 kg 路hm ~ (2) 路hm ~ (-1), respectively. The productivity, agronomic efficiency and apparent recovery of nitrogen fertilizer increased by 79.2% and 27.9% compared with that of conventional fertilization, and the partial productivity of phosphorus fertilizer, agronomic efficiency and apparent recovery rate increased by 91.1% and 68.5% respectively. [conclusion] during the two years of this experiment, Less fertilization can maintain wheat yield, promote dry matter transport and its contribution to grain filling, but accelerate the decline of functional leaves after anthesis. The fertilizer utilization efficiency increased, the soil phosphorus surplus decreased and the soil nitrogen deficit decreased under reduced fertilization. Therefore, it was necessary to continue to optimize the nitrogen reduction on the basis of maintaining wheat yield, soil fertility and nutrient balance.
【作者单位】: 西南大学资源环境学院;中国农业大学资源与环境学院;国家紫色土肥力与肥料效益监测基地;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(31471944) 中央高校学科团队项目基金(2362015xk06) 中央高校基本业务费专项资金(XDJK2016E156)资助
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