[Abstract]:In order to provide reference for spring wheat dry and hot wind control in Ningxia irrigation area, according to the national meteorological industry standard of spring wheat dry and hot wind, the meteorological data of 16 weather stations in Ningxia irrigation area from 1981 to 2014 were used. The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of dry and hot wind days and weather process times of high temperature and low humidity type of spring wheat in local area were analyzed. The results show that the number of dry and hot wind days and the number of weather processes are on the rise in recent 34 years, and there was a sudden change in 1995, and the number of dry hot wind days increased in the middle of June in the last 24 years, decreased in late July, and the time of the dry hot wind days appeared earlier in the last 24 years. The number of dry hot wind days and the number of weather processes were the highest in 2001-2010. In the north, east and south of Ningxia irrigated area, spring wheat dry and hot wind appeared more frequently, of which Dawukou was the most. The area of spring wheat dry and hot wind days in Ningxia irrigation area showed an expansion trend, but the area where the dry and hot wind weather process took place showed an expansion trend before 2008 and a decreasing trend after 2008. In order to reduce the harm of dry and hot wind disaster to spring wheat, long-term ecological environment control and short-term prevention measures should be taken in actual production.
【作者单位】: 南京信息工程大学;石嘴山市惠农区气象局;宁夏气象科学研究所;
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