[Abstract]:The eastern agricultural region of Qinghai Province is an important grain production base in Qinghai Province. The drought in spring and summer directly affects the orderly development of agriculture in this area. In this paper, the average monthly precipitation and temperature data of 13 meteorological stations in the eastern agricultural region of Qinghai Province from 1961 to 2014 are selected, and the evolution characteristics of meteorological drought in spring and summer in this area are compared and evaluated by the methods of Tyson polygon method, SPEI and SPI index, and R / S analysis. The results showed that: 1) the SPEI and SPI indices of recent 54 years showed that the interannual variation of drought in the eastern agricultural region of Qinghai Province was basically the same before the 2000s, and the trend of the change took place after the 2000s; The SPEI index showed that the drought in spring and summer gradually increased after 2000s, and the SPI index showed that the drought gradually alleviated in this area after 2000s. Air temperature is the main cause of the difference. 2) the coverage rate of arid area in this area is consistent with the regularity of interannual drought variation, and the two indexes are different mainly before and after the mid-1990s. After the mid-1990s, the SPEI index showed a wider drought coverage in spring and summer than the SPI index. 3) the SPEI and SPI indices showed the opposite trend in the spring and summer drought frequency after the 2000s, and the SPEI index showed a high drought frequency period in the 2000s. SPI index is low frequency period of drought; Both indices show that the high frequency region of spring drought changes from the west to the east, and the high frequency region of summer drought from the northwest to the southeast. 4) according to the drought cycle and the R- S analysis, the spring drought in this area will worsen in the next 4 ~ 6 years, and the northern region will be a high spring drought area. In the future, the summer drought will also be aggravated in 1822 years, and the west and east regions will be the high summer drought areas. 5) through comparative analysis, it is found that the SPEI index is suitable for drought monitoring in this area and can provide a scientific theoretical basis for drought monitoring in this area.
【作者单位】: 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(41561024) 高校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20136203110002)~~
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