[Abstract]:In order to study the changes of soil available nutrients of Chinese fir plantation in Sanming area, Fujian Province, the soil at the top, middle and lower slopes was burned for 2 months before the fire, by the method of investigation and sampling combined with indoor analysis. After 1 and 2 years, the changes of mass fraction of available nutrients were analyzed. The results showed that the mass fraction of nitrate in the upper slope was lower than that in the middle and downhill position within 1 year after two months and one year fire, and the content of nitrate nitrogen in the upper slope was lower than that in the lower slope. After 2 years of fire, the mass fraction of nitrate nitrogen was slightly lower than that before fire, but there was no significant difference. The change trend of mass fraction of ammonium nitrogen was opposite to that of nitrate nitrogen, which decreased continuously in the first year of burning, but increased significantly after the second year of fire. There was no significant difference in the mass fraction of available phosphorus between different slope positions at different time, but the change of mass fraction in the first year of fire was not obvious, but it increased significantly after 2 years of fire, which may be the result of the accelerated speed of soil mineralization. The ratio of inorganic nitrogen to available phosphorus decreased significantly after 2 years of fire, and the increase of mass fraction of available phosphorus was the main factor affecting the ratio. In the short term, fire accelerated soil available nutrient cycling, but attention should be paid to the loss of nitrogen from forest ecosystem. The purpose of this study is to provide a data basis for the long-term effects of burning on soil nutrients, and to provide a scientific theoretical basis for the management of planted forests in burned areas of forest ecosystems.
【作者单位】: 南昌工程学院生态与环境科学研究所江西省退化生态系统修复与流域生态水文重点实验室;福建省三明市郊国有林场;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目“冠层模拟氮沉降对杉木林林下植被及其生态功能的影响”(31570444) “赣鄱英才555工程”领军人才培养计划(赣才字[2011]1号) 江西省主要学科学术和技术带头人资助项目(20162BCB22021) 南昌工程学院大学生科研训练计划项目(2016年) 南昌工程学院研究生创新培养基金项目(YJSCX20160003)
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