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发布时间:2018-11-08 13:18
【摘要】:利用1株实验室保藏的、分离自大棚黄瓜根际土壤的芽孢杆菌KN1进行发酵培养,在温室条件下研究KN1菌株对黄瓜根结线虫病的防治效果及其对黄瓜的促生能力,并对该菌株进行分子生物学鉴定。结果表明:接种60 d在温室盆栽试验中,KN1菌剂蘸根处理线虫减退率和防治效果分别为48.2%和41.5%,与单独使用10%噻唑磷颗粒剂效果相当,能够显著减少根结的生成,KN1菌剂蘸根与10%噻唑磷颗粒剂配合使用效果较好,线虫减退率和防治效果分别达71.5%和57.27%;KN1蘸根处理黄瓜植株鲜质量、根系干质量分别比不接种菌剂对照增加30.33%和70.89%;基于16S r DNA系统发育分析结果显示,菌株KN1属于苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis),与苏云金芽孢杆菌serovar konkukian序列的相似度达99.5%,结合该菌的培养特征、形态特征将其鉴定为苏云金芽孢杆菌。菌株KN1的鉴定及对黄瓜的温室盆栽防治效果为研究其生防机制及开发应用提供了依据。
[Abstract]:A strain of Bacillus spp. KN1 isolated from rhizosphere soil of greenhouse cucumber was used for fermentation culture. The control effect of KN1 strain on cucumber root knot nematode disease and its growth promoting ability were studied in greenhouse. The strain was identified by molecular biology. The results showed that the decrease rate and control effect of nematodes treated with KN1 were 48.2% and 41.5% respectively, which was comparable to that of 10% thiazophos granules alone in greenhouse pot experiment for 60 days. The results showed that the root knot formation could be reduced significantly. The effect of KN1 bacteria dipping with 10% thiazophos granules was better. The nematode reduction rate and the control effect were 71.5% and 57.27% respectively. The fresh weight of cucumber plants treated with KN1 dipping roots increased by 30.33% and 70.89% respectively compared with the control without inoculation. Based on the phylogenetic analysis of 16s r DNA, the results showed that the strain KN1 belonged to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bacillus thuringiensis), and the serovar konkukian sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis was 99.55.According to the culture characteristics of Bacillus thuringiensis, It was identified as Bacillus thuringiensis by morphological characteristics. The identification of strain KN1 and the control effect of cucumber in greenhouse provided basis for studying its biological control mechanism and development and application.
【作者单位】: 金正大生态工程集团股份有限公司/养分资源高效开发与综合利用国家质量重点实验室;


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