[Abstract]:[objective] to evaluate the soil salinity and ion composition in greenhouse, greenhouse and open field vegetable fields in China, so as to prevent and control soil secondary salinization. The rational fertilization of vegetables and the sustainable use of soil provide some theoretical basis. [methods] three regions in the north of China (Northeast, North and Northwest) and four regions in the South (Central, Southwest, East China), In South China, 501 soil samples were collected from the topsoil of typical vegetable fields in the main vegetable growing areas. The total salt content and its ionic composition were analyzed. [results] 1) the total salt content of vegetable soil and its ionic contents (NO_3~-,SO_4~ _ (2-), Cl~-,Na~, K ~, Ca~ (2) in vegetable fields in main vegetable regions of China (greenhouse and greenhouse) were analyzed. Mg~ (2) was significantly higher than that of open vegetable soil, and the total salt content was 69.3% higher than that of open vegetable soil, and the increase of ion composition was between 36 2 and 0 0%. 2) the percentage of secondary salinization soil samples in protected vegetable field was significantly higher than that in open field vegetable field soil. However, the degree of soil salinization in protected vegetable fields was generally relatively light, and the proportion of the soil in the light salinization level accounted for 38.2 percent. The proportion of soil salt above moderate salinization level is only 4.7.3) the total salt content and the main salt ions (NO_3~-,) in the soil of vegetable field in the facility are only 4. 7. 3). The accumulation of SO_4~ (2-) and Ca~ (2) increased first and then decreased with the extension of planting years, reached the peak after 56 years of continuous planting, and then decreased because of various management measures. However, it was still significantly higher than that of open vegetable soil. 4) NO_3~- and SO_4~ (2-) were the main components of salt ions in protected vegetable soil, followed by Ca~ (2), accounting for 27.929% and 15.3% of the total salt content, respectively. The main salt ion composition of open field soil is SO_4~ (2-) NO_3~-Ca~ (2), HCO_3~-, accounts for 29.0% and 14.1% of the total salt content, respectively. However, in the field of vegetable field in northwest China, the salt ion composition of soil was mainly HCO_3~-, followed by SO_4~ (2-). NO_3~- and Ca~ (2). [conclusion] although the percentage of soil samples of secondary salinization in protected vegetable fields is significantly higher than that in open vegetable fields, the salinity degree of soil is generally less, and the main salt ion is NO_3~-,. The contents of SO_4~ (2-) and Ca~ (2), NO_3~-,SO_4~ (2-) were higher than those of Ca~ (2). The main salt ions in open field are SO_4~ (2-), NO_3~-,Ca~ (2) and HCO_3~-, (SO_4~ (2-) NO_3~-Ca~ (2), HCO_3~-.).
【作者单位】: 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所 农业部植物营养与肥料重点实验室;天津市农业资源与环境研究所;
【基金】:现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-25-C-11) 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0201000) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203095)资助
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