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发布时间:2018-11-11 20:49
[Abstract]:The changes of soil physical and chemical properties of 2-year old eucalyptus plantation, eucalyptus and mixed plantations were studied, and the relationship between soil physical and chemical properties, soil enzyme activity and soil phenolic substances was discussed. The results were as follows: (1) the pH value of soil in the root zone of the two forests was small, the pH value of 0-20cm soil was more than 20-40 cm, and the natural moisture content, bulk density, maximum water holding capacity, total porosity and aeration of 0-20cm in mixed forest were larger than those in pure eucalyptus forest; For 20-40cm soil layer, the bulk density, total porosity, aeration and drainage capacity of eucalyptus 脳 lattice mixed forest were higher than those of pure eucalyptus forest, and the natural moisture content and maximum water holding capacity were opposite. (2) the urease activity of 0-20cm soil in mixed forest was the highest. The activities of 1.46mg/ (g h), urease, phosphatase and polyphenol oxidase showed that the root area of eucalyptus was larger than that of the root area of eucalyptus, and it was larger than that of pure eucalyptus forest. (3) the total phenol and the content of compound phenol were the highest in the pure forest of eucalyptus. The water soluble phenol content of 0-20cm in mixed forest was the highest, and the range of soil water soluble phenol was 0.62 ~ 2.04 渭 g / g. The content of phenols in the soil of pure eucalyptus forest was low in the early stage of afforestation, which did not cause the accumulation of phenolic substances in the soil, and the physical and chemical properties of soil and the activity of soil enzyme were improved in the early stage of mixed eucalyptus and grid trees. There was a certain correlation between soil physical and chemical properties, soil enzyme activity and phenolic acid content.
【作者单位】: 广西国有高峰林场;广西林业科学研究院;广西大学林学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(31260176) 广西自然科学基金(2015GXNSFAA139081)


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