[Abstract]:In this study, the salinized tidal soil in Hetao Irrigation area was used as the research object. Through static dark box gas chromatography and in situ determination of ammonia volatilization in field (aeration method), four different fertilization measures (farmers' habit of fertilization) were studied. Effects of bentonite farmers, biochar farmers and humic acid farmers on volatilization of soil ammonia (NH_3) and nitrogen oxide (N2O) emission were investigated. The results showed that treatment B could significantly reduce the emission of N2O in soil, the cumulative emission of N2O was 30.9 lower than that of CK, the loss rate of nitrogen fertilizer was 31.5% lower than that of CK, and the cumulative emission of N2O from other treatments had no significant difference with that of CK. The volatilization rate of NH_3 reached its peak value at 3 ~ 5 days after fertilization and irrigation, and then gradually decreased to a stable level. The volatilization of soil NH_3 was significantly decreased under the treatment of NH_3, and the cumulative volatilization of NH_3 was reduced by 56.0% and 41.2% than that of CK. The loss rate of nitrogen fertilizer was 56.0% lower than that of CK, 41.2% and 52.1% lower than that of CK. Correlation analysis showed that soil temperature and air temperature had a significant positive correlation with soil N2O emission. In the range of 151.2 g / kg, soil moisture content was positively correlated with soil N2O emission. B treatment could significantly reduce soil NH3 volatilization and NSCT emission, and increase the yield of N2O by 11.1% than that of CK. Is a more reasonable fertilization measures.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古农业大学/内蒙古自治区土壤质量与养分资源重点实验室;内蒙古土壤肥料工作站;杭锦后旗农业推广中心;
【基金】:内蒙古“青年科技英才支持计划”项目(NJYT-15-A11) 乌梁素海生态过渡带面源污染控制示范推广项目资助
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