[Abstract]:The effects of different treatments[control CK, conventional chemical fertilizer CF, nitrogen-reducing and application of common organic fertilizer OF (80% CF + OF and 60% CF + OF), nitrogen reduction and application of bio-organic fertilizer BF (80% CF + BF and 60% CF + BF)] on the characteristics of soil and the properties of the aggregates were studied in this paper through the four-year location and fertilization test of the cotton field in oasis in Xinjiang. The relationship between the biological characters of soil and the organic carbon and the aggregates was discussed. The results showed that 80% CF + BF and 60% CF + BF in the application of bio-organic fertilizer could significantly increase the activity of soil enzyme, alkaline phosphatase, sucrase, yeast-grape saccharin, polyphenoloxidase and arylsulfatase, and its growth rate was 55. 6%-84.0%, 53. 1% ~ 74. 0%, 15. 1% ~ 38. 0%, respectively, compared with the single-application chemical fertilizer (CF). 38. 2% ~ 68. 0%, 29. 6% ~ 52. 0% and 35. 4% ~ 58. 9%. The soil basic respiration was obviously improved by each fertilization treatment, as shown in the BFOFCFCK. Compared with CF, the soil organic carbon and microbial biomass of 60% CF + BF respectively increased by 22. 3% and 43.5%, respectively, but the microbial biomass C/ N ratio decreased significantly. The geometric mean diameter (GMD) of 80% CF + BF treated by 80% CF + BF at 80% CF + OF treated with 80% CF + OF was increased by 90.2%, respectively. The analysis of the redundancy (RDA) and the cluster analysis show that the nitrogen-reducing carbon-increasing carbon can obviously control the soil biological activity and the aggregate structure of the drip irrigation cotton field. It is an effective way to maintain and improve the soil fertility of the drip irrigation cotton field in the oasis by applying the organic fertilizer or the bio-organic fertilizer to the chemical fertilizer in the last four years, improving the soil organic carbon content and the synergistic effect of the stability and the biological character of the aggregate.
【作者单位】: 新疆生产建设兵团绿洲生态农业重点试验室/石河子大学农学院;
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