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发布时间:2018-12-20 16:29
【摘要】:针对制约厌氧干发酵技术推广应用的传质限制、搅拌能耗高和产气率低等瓶颈问题,文章提出了基于"周期性聚气增压,间歇性喷淋强化传质、定期快速释气泄压"压力调控的干发酵工艺。采用蔬菜废弃物和芦竹秸秆作为混合发酵原料进行中温发酵试验,研究了压力调控下干发酵的产气效果,pH值的变化及原料降解的情况。结果表明:发酵底物浓度为15%时,压力调控组的最大日产气率为62.55 mL·g~(-1)VS,相对其对照组提高了29.64%;经过50 d发酵后累积产气率为820.47 mL·g~(-1)VS,是其对照组的2.09倍;pH值均在7.0~7.69之间波动,运行良好,所产沼气中CH_4含量高达79.12%;其纤维素降解率达30.2%,约为对照组的1.2倍。表明压力调控可促进干发酵直接产出CH_4含量较高的生物天然气。
[Abstract]:In view of the bottleneck problems such as the restriction of mass transfer, high energy consumption and low gas production rate, which restrict the application of anaerobic dry fermentation technology, this paper puts forward a method based on "periodic gas pressurization and intermittent spray enhanced mass transfer". Periodic rapid release of air and pressure release "pressure regulation of dry fermentation process." The experiment of medium temperature fermentation with vegetable waste and asparagus straw was carried out. The effects of dry fermentation under pressure, the change of pH value and the degradation of raw materials were studied. The results showed that the maximum daily gas yield of the pressure control group was 62.55 mL g ~ (-1) VS, increased 29.64% compared with the control group when the fermentation substrate concentration was 15. After 50 days fermentation, the cumulative gas production rate of 820.47 mL g ~ (-1) VS, was 2.09 times of that of the control group, the pH values fluctuated between 7.0 and 7.69, and the CH_4 content in the biogas was as high as 79.12%. The degradation rate of cellulose reached 30.2 times, about 1.2 times of that of the control group. The results showed that pressure regulation could promote the direct production of natural gas with high CH_4 content by dry fermentation.
【作者单位】: 华北电力大学可再生能源学院生物质发电成套设备国家重点实验室;


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