[Abstract]:Nitrogen input is one of the important factors affecting the oxidative absorption of atmospheric methane (CH_4) in soils. The absorption capacity of different types of soils to low concentration of CH_4 and their responses to nitrate and ammonium nitrogen were evaluated by indoor culture experiments on 5 kinds of dry land soils in the north of Qiongbei. The results show that the CH_4 oxidation rates of pozzolanic soil, ferrite rich soil, embryonic soil, ferrite bauxite and leached soil are 67.01 ~ 50.05 ~ 47.00 ~ 72.82 and 57.10 ng/ (kg h)., respectively. The addition of 100 (mg/kg) N could only inhibit the oxidation of CH_4 in ferrobauxite, but the rate of CH_4 oxidation in 5 soils could be significantly reduced by adding ammonium nitrogen at this concentration. The inhibition rate of ammonium nitrogen on the oxidation of CH_4 in five soils showed a significant linear positive correlation with the addition of ammonium nitrogen. The inhibition rate of ammonium nitrogen addition per unit (mg/kg) on CH_4 oxidation of ferrobauxite is the lowest, which is only 5360% of the other four soils, which is probably related to the high C / N and low N / P of the bauxite. Therefore, in the scientific management of these soils, the appropriate N fertilizer types should be selected according to the soil types, at the same time, the content of soil organic matter and the application of P fertilizer should be increased, so as to give full play to the oxidation potential of soil to atmospheric CH_4.
【作者单位】: 海南大学环境与植物保护学院;
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