[Abstract]:Based on the data of average temperature, precipitation and sunshine hours in five growth stages of late sowing japonica rice in Xinyang City in recent 35 years (1980-2014), such as seedling stage, tillering stage, jointing and booting stage, heading and flowering stage and grain filling maturity stage, etc. The climatic suitability of Xinyang japonica rice after late sowing was calculated by using the model of climate suitability. The results showed that the climatic suitability of temperature, precipitation and sunshine at seedling stage was 0.980.99 and 0.63, respectively, with a comprehensive value of 0.85 and a high suitability, while at tillering stage it was 0.990.51 and 0.54, with a comprehensive value of 0.65. At jointing and booting stage, the comprehensive value was 0.83 and 0.79, respectively, and the suitable degree was higher, and that at heading and flowering stage was 0.70, 0.99 and 0.56, respectively, and the comprehensive value was 0.73, which was higher than that at flowering stage. The maturation period of grain filling was 0.60U 0.98 and 0.57 respectively, the comprehensive value was 0.73, and the suitability was higher. It can be seen that the climate suitability of Xinyang japonica rice after proper late sowing is more suitable.
【作者单位】: 河南省信阳市农业科学院;
【基金】:河南省重大科技专项“豫南稻区籼改粳技术研究与产业化”(121100110200) 国家水稻产业技术体系建设项目
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