[Abstract]:Pyllostachys pubescens, also known as Nangzhu, is the main economic bamboo species with the largest distribution and the largest area in China. As of 2013, the area of the bamboo forest in China is 4.43 million hectares, and the current production mainly adopts two modes of extensive and intensive operation. Phyllostachys pubescens is a nitrogen plant, and the biological nitrogen fixation is an important source of soil nitrogen, but it is more sensitive to human disturbance. The structure and abundance of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in different operating modes were studied by PCR-DGGE and fluorescence quantitative PCR. The main environmental factors of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria community in the soil were studied by the RDA method, and the effects of the structure of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil of the pure forest of Phyllostachys pubescens were studied. The results are as follows: the crude bamboo forest is put into operation. The planting time was 5 years (5a), 9 years (9a), 15 years (15a) and 18 years (18a). (1) The Shannon diversity index of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria community in the surface layer (0-20 cm) was obviously improved after 5 years of transformation of the Pinus massoniana forest into the bamboo forest, but with the increase of the year of cultivation, it was still higher than that of the control. The principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the composition of the soil-fixing microbial community in the soil with different cultivation years has changed greatly, and the samples of 5a and 9a are obviously different from the control in the first main component and the second main component, and the difference of the 15a and 18a sample and the control difference is gradually reduced, The statistical analysis indicated that the difference between different treatments was significant (r = 0.901, p = 0.001). After the transformation of Pinus massoniana forest into the bamboo forest, the abundance of the nif H gene of the soil of the soil is obviously improved, the expression is the highest, and the expression of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria nif H is up to 9a, and then is gradually stabilized. The results of RDA show that the change of soil p H, effective phosphorus, organic matter and effective potassium in different cultivation years is the main factor affecting the structure variation of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. (2) The variation law of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria community in the lower layer of the table was similar to that of the surface layer (0-20 cm), but the maximum value of the diversity and abundance appeared in the 15a treatment. The Nif H gene abundance in the surface soil is more abundant than that of the lower layer; the results of the RDA analysis show that the available potassium, effective phosphorus, alkali and nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and organic matter have a significant effect on the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Long-term intensive management of the bamboo forest. Non-fertilization (CK) and intensive management for 10 years (10a), 15 years (15a), 20 years (20a) and 25 (25a) were selected. (1) The structure of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the surface layer (0-20 cm) and the control (CK) of the surface layer (0-20 cm) were not large when the intensive operation was used for 10 years, and the difference between the nitrogen-fixing bacteria community structure and the control (CK) of the soil continued to 15a and 20a. The diversity index of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the abundance of the nif H gene both show a tendency to increase after the first reduction, and the minimum value is reached at the time of the operation of the operation 15a. The redundant analysis indicated that the content of available P, available K, N and N in the surface of the surface layer (0-20 cm) had a strong correlation with the change of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria community structure, but did not reach a significant level, and they accounted for 31% of the total variation of the sample. The changes of the content of p H, organic matter, nitrate nitrogen and alkali in the lower layer (20 ~ 40 cm) in the lower layer (20 ~ 40 cm) are the main factors that affect the structure variation of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and reach a significant level. Short-term intensive management of the bamboo forest. The intensive operation time was 0 years (CK), 1 year (1a) and 7 years (7a). In the intensive management, the diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil of the Phyllostachys pubescens forest is greater than that of the bamboo forest, and the effect of intensive management on the nitrogen-fixing bacteria of the surface soil of the bamboo forest is larger than that of the lower layer of the table; with the increase of the intensive operation period, the abundance of the nif H gene of the surface soil nitrogen-fixing bacteria is decreased firstly and then rises, The change of the nif H abundance of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the lower-layer soil is the opposite.
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