[Abstract]:Agrometeorological disasters have a great impact on grain yield. Crop growth simulation model is used to simulate crop growth and development so as to evaluate crop growth and development which has become one of the research hotspots at present. In this paper, using the historical data and the experiment data of maize seeding by stages and drought stress control test, the drought loss of maize in western Liaoning was evaluated by using WOFOST model, and the effects of typical dry year were analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the single point localization and regionalization of WOFOST model. Firstly, the parameters of WOFOST model were adjusted by using the data of maize growth and development and drought stress in sufficient rainfall years in Jinzhou area. Then the WOFOST model is simulated and tested by using the development period and yield data of western Liaoning. The effect of drought on maize growth and yield was greater than that on silking stage in 2015, resulting in 1.14 days later than that in normal year. The date of spinning was delayed by 5-23 days, and the number of days between spinning was increased to 3-15 days. The results showed that 24.03% of the plants were not sprouting, 37.3% of the plants were not silky, and 49.21% of the plants were not normal. Drought inhibited the growth of plant stem and accelerated the wilting of leaves, which not only hindered the accumulation of nutrients, but also inhibited the physiological process of nutrient transfer from stem to fruit. The distribution of dry matter resulted in the proportion of Ye Zhong and stem weight increased and the proportion of ear weight decreased. Drought had a negative effect on maize growth, resulting in a large reduction in yield. The effects of different sowing dates were different. The loss of early sowing date was serious, while that of late sowing stage was relatively small. At all sowing stages of water supplementation, maize plants can grow and develop normally. The data of plant traits and dry matter distribution were similar to those of normal years. (3) Maize drought loss assessment based on WOFOST model and WOFOST model were used to simulate the yield potential of different sowing dates of maize in western Liaoning province in 2015. The average production potential of 11491 kg/ha, decreased from northwest to southeast, the maximum value was May 30 sowing date (production potential was 12247kg/ha), and the production potential of late sowing date was higher than that of early sowing date. In addition, the distribution of yield affected by drought at different sowing dates was simulated. The average yield was 4128 kg / ha, the whole yield decreased from west to east, and the maximum yield was May 20 sowing date (yield 4760kg/ha), which was affected by drought. The yield of Fuxin and Jinzhou was lower than that of 3000 kg/ha, in the west of Huludao and the northwest of Chaoyang. According to the potential yield and actual dry yield of maize in western Liaoning province in 2015, the drought loss of maize in 2015 was obtained. The average drought yield loss in different sowing dates was 7363 kg / ha, and the yield loss increased from west to east. Under drought, the maximum yield loss was May 30 sowing date (yield loss was 8151kg/ha), and the yield loss in Fuxin and Jinzhou was larger than that in west Huludao and southwest Chaoyang of 8000 kg/ha,. The WOFOST model was used to simulate the yield loss distribution of different sowing dates under drought conditions. The results showed that the suitable sowing time for maize in western Liaoning was about May 10, and the drought yield loss was the least (yield loss was 6894 kg/ha) at this sowing date.
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