[Abstract]:The effects of different reclamation models on the distribution of organic carbon in reclaimed soil aggregates in coal mining subsidence areas were studied in order to provide a theoretical basis for the selection of suitable reclamation vegetation and soil fertility in fertilizing subsidence areas. Four reclamation models were set up in Dongsheng coal mining subsidence area of Shenfu (control, Amur, Eulis and almond). The mechanical stability of soil 0-20cm and 20-40cm were analyzed. Composition of organic carbon and organic carbon pool of water stable aggregates. The results showed that the vegetation pattern increased the content of organic carbon in the mechanical stability aggregates of surface soil of 0-20cm. The organic carbon content of 2-0.25mm and 0.25-0.05mm mechanical stable aggregates in the subsoil (20-40cm) was increased by the Euclidean vegetation model. The vegetative pattern of Euclius and Almond promoted the formation of organic carbon of 2mm and 0.05mm water stable aggregates. Among the three models, the order of promotive effect was the long stalked almond. According to the physical grouping method of organic carbon, organic carbon is divided into organic carbon (m M) of coarse organic carbon (c POM), microaggregate and powder clay organic carbon. The vegetation pattern increased the organic carbon content of 0-20cm surface soil by 19.03%, while that of Euclio increased the content of C POM component in the surface layer. In the lower soil, the organic carbon content of c POM was increased obviously by three vegetation models, and the content of C POM was the largest in the three vegetation models. In combination with three different reclamation methods, the contribution to organic carbon of aggregates was greater in Amur and Eulis. Combining with the local growth conditions and vegetation growth, the growth of Amur was superior to that of Eucalyptus oleifera, and it could be selected in the selection of subsequent reclaimed vegetation. It is worth popularizing and applying.
【作者单位】: 内蒙古农业大学教务处;内蒙古农业大学草原与资源环境学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(41301605) 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目(NJZY13069)资助
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